"And then, then she met my brother, Gareth. And that was it. She had both our names and he was the whole world to her, eclipsing me. My own soul mate looked me over and found me wanting. And found someone else." he finished sadly and sat back down, taking a long drink of mead from his beaker.

"And now there's noone I could love like that again. But Rachel... she made me feel that way. And now that's gone too." he finished sadly with another drink. Merlin's heart ached for him. There was no words to say to ease the hurt.


Arthur woke in the dead of the night to a ringing alarm. MErlin sat up suddenly next to him, his shirtless skin lunimous in the moonlight and a look of panice on his face.

"The wards!" at that Merlin and Artur jumped out of bed. Pulling open the door ot their room they met Gwen Lancelot, and Will, running towards them, and Elyan and Gwaine from the other end of the corridor.

"What is it?!" Gwen asked.

"It's the wards, someone is outside. We need to get our weapons and go find out who it is." Gwen nodded and they all took off to the main room. Leon and Percival's door opened as they ran past.

"What's going on?" Leon askd, sleep ruffled.

"Invaders, come on!" Will cried with a gleeful smile as he ran past. They colelcted their swords, with Gwaine and Will opting for bows and arrows to provide distance cover. Merlin held a finger to him lips and everyone nodded - they would stay silent to hide their prences. Silently they all climbed like shadows down the rope lader, spreadng out around the clearing at the base of the tree.

Silently they waiter. Arthur could feel his heartbeat thudding in his chest and feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, his breath sounded too loud in the darkness. Then there was a shuffle, a figure moving in the clearing, and with a quite 'shhh' sound Merlin was there silently, his blade at the strangers neck.

"Who are you and what do you want." Merlin's voice came sternly. The figure froze: a statue.

"I am an old man and I have travelled far. Kill me or do not, for I have no home to which I can return to." He spoke reignedly, and coughed as though in deep pain, and as he did so Merlin's b;ade lowered, as recognition dawned on his face.

"Gais?!" He ejacted and the stranger turn around with a stagger. In the moonlight Merlin could see his familiar face, his white hair thought covered in dirt made him unmistakeable.

"Merlin my boy!" His face broke into a glad smile, relief taking over his features, and Merlin pulled him into a fiecre hug with a little "ooof."

"We need to get you inside" MErlin said looking Gaius over in concern - he looked hungry and tired, and dirt clung in his hair and face.

"Who'se we?" Gaius questioned, his curiousity peaking through him.

"Oh....guys you can come out now!" Merlin called, and everyone emerged from their places in the shadows in a gracefil and fluid motion like the waters of a stream emerging from between the trees, weapons lowered. Arthur approached with a smile on his face, his sword glingint in the moon light.

"It's good to see you again, Gaius" He said and squeezed a gentle hand on Gaius's shoulder.

"Gaius, you remember Arthur. And this is Gwen and her brother Elyan, his family. Lancelot, Gwen's partnet, Will and Gwaine, my good friends, and Leon and Percival, knights errant" erlin introduced everyone, and they waved as he indicated to them.

"Everyone, this is Gaius. He helped us in Camelot. He's a friend" Merlin announced firmly.

With the help of Lancelot and Percival, Gaius clambered up the ladder and Gwen drew him a bath while Elyan found some food in the kitchen. The sky was beginning to lighted with the first light of dawn as they ll sat again arund the round table, this time with Gaius, now much more comfortable as he was clean and warm. Merlon basked for a moment in the peace. Aside from his mother, everyone he cared for sat around the table, together, united to build a better future for teh poor of Camelot. Merlin's heart fluttered in excitment; a butterfly nervous before its release from the bell jar into the wide free meadow.

"So tell us, how did ye come to be here?" Will asked, cautious of the stranger in their midst. He knew from Merlin and Arthur's story that this man came from Camelot - who's to say he wasn't a spy?

Gaius took a long drink and looked at his mug of wamred milk and nutmeg, eyes watery and sad.

"When the two of you left, Ralph and Uther's men beat me with large batons until I was within an inch of losing my live. While I stayed there sick and injured in a cell I heard them speak - Ralph badgered Uther to burn me, for heresey and aiding your magic, but the king wouldn't. I was the only physician left in Camelot, their herbs are thought too close to magic and there have been dark times." he explained.

"I was in the cells for a long time, many days and nights - the time bled into one long period without a view of the sun and meals were rare....I don't know how long I was held there as I healed. And then, three nights ago, a portal opened by my bunk and so, my boy, I stepped through. It brought me to dark woodlands. I am an old man, but I lived rough enough in my youth, I made camp, caught some hairs and travelled until I found humanity. Or rather, until you found me...." he finished with a slighty chuckle, looking at theh friendly and warm faces that sat arount him at the table.

"And I'm glas we did" Merlin said with a grin. "Take a day to rest, I know it's not much but we have to get to Ealdor. We'll explain on the way what's happened since we saw you Camelot" His face solemnified at that and Gaius nodded.

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