1. Mom and dad

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3rd person pov.

"Ya give me some money", Lillian's dad told her with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
"I didn't get the salary yet", she told knowing that he will be mad. Her dad walks up to her and gave her a hard slap. She held her left cheek with both of her hand feeling the stinging pain.

"You think I am a fool!!!I know you have it!!!", her dad screamed making her more scared. He then walked towards her bag. Actually she had the money but it was just a little, she saved it for dinner. She ran to her bag but before that her dad grabbed her hair and pushed her hard towards the wall. He than grabbed the bag and turned it upside down making everything in her bag fall on the floor.
He saw her wallet and took the money which was left. He lowered himself in front of her while she was laying on the floor because of the pain.

"Lie to me again and you are dead", he said with a serious tone and left. When he was gone she slowly stood up and picked up all her stuffs which were laying on the floor. She placed herself on the couch and gradually put all her stuffs in her bag and cleaned the floor. She slowly went to her room and looked in the mirror she saw that her left cheek was red as a tomato. And her hair looked like she just woke up. She leaned both of her hands on the dressing table while quietly sobbing.


"Mom!!!", she screamed running towards the hospital bed her mom was laying on the bed. She looked pale and this made her even more sad. Her mom just smiled to her motioning to hug her. She hugged her mother and started crying again. Her mother patted her back and stroked her hair.

"Don't cry, it's gonna be okay", she whispered in her ear.

"Please don't go mom. Please don't leave me. " she said while sobbing. Her dad and the doctors just silently watched.

"I am sorry dear. I can't stay.",her mom said and wiped her tears away with both of her hands.

"Promise me that you will be strong. No matter what happens you will have to be strong. Believe me, if you stay strong then only good things will happen to you" her mom said.

"I promise", she said trying not to cry more. Her mom hugged her one last time and that's when her mom left the world leaving her and her father alone.

*End of Flashback*

She looked back at the mirror again. And wiped her tears.

"You gotta be strong Lillian. You have to be strong for mom." she told herself. She looked at her new school uniform through the mirror. She turned around and started walking toward it.

"Please let me have a happy school life for once", she spoke to herself slowly touching her new school uniform. Ever since her mom died for some reason everything started to go downwards. Her dad became an alcoholic and a gambler. She even got extremely bullied at school. But she hoped that she would have a happy school life.

Hope you guys liked it.
It is quite emotional.
Let's see what happens at her school.

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