Missguided Lullaby

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The cold storyline that exists in this world might affect our mind in acquiring the capacity to be ecological with failures and deprivation but bear in mind that there's always a sight out there that needs to be protected in order to enliven the humane vitality we possessed. When it comes to this situation, it needs to be remembered that the panic and the haunting towards what can't be reversed can only anchor and pulsating belligerent behavior towards insufficiency.

It needs to be known...What comes after randomness and cursing might lead us into inevitable suffocation of greatness towards a position, title, and earnings, but we can always stop such existence at the experiment phase. A piece of innate strength, which in my experience needs to be acknowledged as a human superioty that needs to be updated with encounterization that believes depression is something that needs to be separated from the state of wandering and its therapy.

On the other side, it has come to my concern and prognosis that the widespread foolishness towards this knowledge will only make our generation able to boost while ignoring the creation of a topic that breeds inner resistance, which in return can give many major identity problems for the world if we also never care to acknowledge vital environment that gives degeneracy a fanciness to be feasted and consumed.

Keep in mind that every dwarfish drawback has a possibility of amplifying the lowest form of irrationality and tantrum if we never put ourselves to understand the power of levitating our senses to acknowledge events that drops material for the creation of vivid memories, which tend to embody a simple atmosphere, such as cleaning the public instrument for children to see or wiping the toilet seat to decrease deteriorating reluctance.

Although...it is possible for the majority of people to underestimate the doers or the victim of such existence, it can always create a matrix that can make someone believe in being able to become a carpenter for a kind vigorous element, especially...in a world where apocalyptic affinity and adversity is being upgraded to the point where it is almost impossible for our civilization to acknowledge its advantage in giving privilege and uncanny balance to a certain individual.

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