NCT | Yuta | hide and seek

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Panting, heavy footsteps, adrenaline, fear, and the unforgiving sting of the raindrops as they hit my face. I glance around my shoulder to make sure I lost him almost smiling when I saw no one behind me, until I smacked right into a hard chest and falling on the ground. I slowly glance up at who I knew had been chasing me since I took my chance and ran out the door... Yuta gave me a smile one that could be considered friendly if Only I didn't know the true meaning behind it, crouching down to my level he grabbed my shoulders before an idea quickly came to mind and I tried pushing his hands away.

"Wait, wait..." he only narrowed his eyes before leaning closer.

"Why would I wait."

"Let's make a deal." I breathed out but it was probably a bad idea considering his face was right in front of mine making him gaze at my lips and lick his own.

"You like games right." At this Yuta's gaze was brought back to mine.
"Let's play a game of hide and seek you give me four hours to hide and then you get 20 to find me, if I win you let me go, if you win I'll stay with you forever and do whatever you want without a fight." At this Yuta smirked.

"Alright, but let's make this a fair start, hm." Yuta scooped me up and started to walk back towards his house.


I sat on the couch anxiously as Yuta sat and stared at me from the other side of the living room.
He finally placed his phone down on the center of the table watching as the time turned 12:00am then glancing at me.

"If you're ever in trouble honey just call me, okay." He says seriously. I nodded then turned towards the front door pulling it open and glancing one more time at Yuta who stared right back at me before slowly stepping out and beginning my time.


The first thing I did was get a flight to lower Korea back to my family. I already knew I wasn't going to win this game but at least I wanted to see my family.

The plane landed in the first two hours and since I had no luggage I just left with my back up card I kept locked up Incase of an emergency. Don't get me wrong I had no idea I would be in this mess with Yuta I just always had a back up plan, it's what my mother taught me.

As I reached a nearby store I bought a black cap and a new outfit that consisted of a white t-shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and a hair ties.
After buying them I threw my other ones away.

A few blocks later I arrived at my old home, one I craved to return to but couldn't.
I watched as a car pulled up and out stepped my younger brother who looked so grown up and had a girlfriend or wife. I smiled sadly as I saw my parents who smiled and greeted them with a hug and a gesture to go inside.

Yuta had so called staged my death and I wasn't about to make them worry about me showing up and ruining their happiness, that's all that matters to me. I sighed as they disappeared from my sight into the house. I turned around and ran right into a person making us both fall on the ground I glanced up apologizing until I stopped at who I was apologizing to.

"Y/n?" The look of shock was clear on her face then it changed to a mixture of emotions.

"Where have you been! You're parents and everyone else for that matter think your dead!"
I was at a loss of words I didn't think I would run into my best friend Jennie.

"I- I can't explain please you never saw me." I quickly got up and started speed walking away. Until Jennie's hand pulled me back.

"Please don't go. if your in trouble you can tell me." Her face was suddenly sad.

"I'm not in trouble, but you could be for talking to me so please you never saw me." I tried to leave again.

"What do you mean? Talk to me." She pulled me back. She glanced at my figure seeing I had nothing then dragged me with her as I tried to protest, but soon she pushed me into what I assume was her house. She sat me on the couch and stood in front of me.

"Why would I be in trouble?" She asked staring at me while I glanced down I can't tell her or else Yuta might kill her or worse make me watch.

"Because you shouldn't know and if you know what's best for you, you will stop asking questions, and you will never see me again after today because as you know I'm dead. That's the way it has to stay." I stood up and was about to walk out.

"Wait at least stay the night..." she said in the most inaudible voice. I stopped and glanced over my shoulder at her who stared at me.
I nodded making her smile.

She made me watch movies with her till she fell asleep which it was 10:00pm by then. I stood and put blankets over her and wrote her a note and then walked to her front door and pulled it open.

I shut the door and stood in front of the steps staring at the dimly lit street.
I jumped when I felt arms wrap around me.

"What a smart girl my baby is, already accepting her fate." I felt Yuta's lips on my neck.

"Can we go home?" I say in almost a whisper turning around in Yuta's arms to look in his eyes. He smirked and pulled the hat off my head.

"I want my winning kiss first." I let a breath out before standing on my toes to reach him but since I wasn't tall enough to reach just by standing on my toes Yuta had to meet me halfway but instead he just stared at me, just as I was about to retract, but he moved in and pushed me against the wooden beam and kept attacking my lips until my bottom lip split and he sucked it then stuck his tongue in my mouth making me taste my blood, I groaned at his roughness. He pulled away with a satisfied smirk.

"Lets go home babygirl." He led me to his car and opened the passenger side which I slid into.

As soon as his door closed I knew My fate was sealed with Yuta forever...


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