Chapter Eleven: The Shopping Mall

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The first day of the new school year is approaching and Dave and his sisters strolled around the shopping mall to get supplies for their new year. This year was special for them as it was his first day of high school and his sisters' first day if middle school.

DiverCity was a big mall but not the biggest in Japan. It was crowded and full of tourists. Shops littered with unique gadgets and supplies, some useful and some that are just utterly weird. They roamed the second floor where most of the school supplies were at.

"Oh my gosh, look at that!" Edithe was pointing to a Kirby pencil case on the shelf, her eyes bright, "It's so cute, can we buy it?!"

Dave sighed for a moment and looked at the price and hissed.

¥1634 for one pencil case (about $25 Australian dollars, which may not seem much that's like my lunch money for the whole week.)

"If we buy it, you must promise to take care of it, okay?" He told his sister whom had nodded quickly, "Put it in the basket."

They continued to walk around the shop, purchasing things that Dave believed to be unnecessary but if it made his sister happy, he couldn't care less.

Lunch time came around the corner and they bought a Bento set to share between them because it was big. They sat on a city bench, taking bites from the big dish. Another spoonful of food made its way to Dave's mouth and another went to his sisters'.

Dave didn't like the city much but the girls absolutely loved it. Once they were finished with the bento, they wondered all around the shopping mall until Dave told them that he'd give them money to buy anything they wanted. The girls ran off in search of something to buy while Dave sat on bench and just relaxed.


Edithe and Elaine ran off to the nearest clothes store and looked around inside. About 10 minutes in and their basket was full of an assortment of clothes. It was until Elaine saw something she saw something that got all of her attention.

The hair clip was displayed at the very back of the shop in a glass case near the counter. It was gold and in the shape of a crown with 3 jewels imbedded into it, one blue and two green. She stared at it hungrily.

Eventually, Edithe saw it too. They both looked at the basket in between their arms and started reconsidering taking all of it back. They didn't need this much clothes anyway, they had a bunch at home that haven't seen the light of day.

"It's so pretty," was all Edithe could say, "If we take all the stuff we got in the basket, we can totally afford it!"

Elaine nodded rapidly at her sister's idea, but realized something, "What about Dave, he expects us to buy something like clothes not an expensive hair clip."

"Well, does he expects us to buy him clothes?" Edithe said as she gestured a the basket they had, "Look, Elaine, he has been taking care of us for so long and he had given so much to us and we have given so little to him."

"I know but do think he wants something like that?"

"I don't think, Elaine, I know so." Edithe began pointing at the crown hair clip, "He'll love it!"

"I guess we're buying it."

The girls took everything back that they have gotten and made their way to the counter with nothing but the money that they're going to use to buy the hair clip.


It has been half an hour since the girls ran off and Dave was starting to want to go home. The crowd was getting to him and being stuck in the middle of the plaza with little ways to escape populated mass, he was starting to worry himself.

Dave gripped tightly on to his red hoodie, holding to it as if I was his life line. He hated crowds and he hated people. He began to rethink his own decisions of going to mall.

'We needed supplies. We needed new clothes. Your sisters love it here abd they're having fun'

He repeatedly told himself those words over and over again. Trying his best against the massive crowd.


A voice echoed into his ear, he turned around and saw his sisters holding only one small bag. He payed it no mind and rushed them outside where he parked his motorbike. He picked up all the baggage and put them in the bike's compartment.

"You really didn't like the crowd, " both girls began to say, "Sorry to have left you on that bench, we forgot that you don't do well in compacted areas. Sorry."

"Geez, don't apologize," Dave said as he the helmets on his sisters' head, "It was fine, you guys were only gone for just a few minutes, that's all."

The ride home was quiet and speedy. Dave was able to feel the breeze again.



"We bought you something!"

It was after dinner and all three Gonzales hung out in the living room, doing random stuff. It was only then that the girls decided to give the present they bought for Dave during their time shopping.

"It better not be another princess poster, both of you gave me so many that my room looks like a princess shrine," Dave joked, the girls laughed.

"No, we got something better!" Edithe said excitedly, "You'll love it!"

"Close your eyes!" Elaine demanded, jumping up and down in excitement.

Dave closed his eyes. Both girls made their way to him and they began to brush his long hair.

"I swear, if your suprise is to give me a hair cut, well I'm baffled." He managed to say. Then he felt something slide through the side of his head.

"Open your eyes!"

Dave obeyed and was faced with a mirror in front of him. He stared at his hair and the golden, crown-shape hair clip sitting on his head. It was beautiful.

"It's... It's- I don't know what to say," he stared at his reflection, looking at the hair clip with such recognition.

It felt like was supposed to be there, like it was a part of him that he didn't knew existed.

"You like it?"

"No... I love it."

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