As he neared a corner, he could hear talking. The hallways were empty, as in everyone was in lunch. He looked around the corner, and his eyes widened.

    There was Shinomiya again, backed up against a wall. With Mutsumi's brother, Kazuma, his arms trapping him. Shinomiya's face was red, and he was squirming, wanted to run away. Kazuma didn't care though, as he was smirking, and talking up a storm about something right by his face.

     Nana's ears turned red in anger, and that same feeling bubbled in his stomach. He wanted to go over there, but then it'll seem like he cares about the kid. Which he doesn't. Nana breathed in deeply, then fully walked around the corner.

    "Hey! What are you doing? Harassing students seems like a whole new low for you."

    Kazuma and Shinomiya looked over, Shino's eyes giving off the "please get me out of this situation i'm dying over here" vibe. Kazuma kept on his cocky vibe.

   "And why do you care? This student was late to class, I'm just giving him a lecture." Kazuma replied.

   Nana clicked his tongue in annoyance, finding that this was a new habit of his.

    "Look the only reason he's late is because of you so I suggest you back off before I tell it to the head principal and get you fired."

     Kazuma took one arm away, but Shinomiya still couldn't get away from him.

    "And why do you care that I'm talking to Shinomiya over here?" Kazuma looked real smug about here.

     Nana stilled. His words (and punches) halted for a moment. He was afraid he was gonna get asked this. What was he gonna say? That he hates the kid and doesn't care about him? That won't stop anything. He's my friend? No, he isn't. And he never will be.

    Okay, so Nana was stuck. So he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

    "Cause,, He's my boyfriend. Yeah, so you better back off of him before I make you."

    Nana really wanted to punch himself now. What is he thinking?

    Shinomiya's eyes widened in surprise. His face blushed a deep red. He looked at Nana, as in saying "What the hell are you saying?"

    Kazuma seemed to finally "understand" what was going on, so he fully backed away from Shino.

    "Okay! I believe you. I don't wanna steal him from you! Relationships are one thing that I don't wanna mess up for people." Kazuma winked at the two.

    "You two make a cute couple! I won't say anything about this! But I'll be at your wedding!"

     The ash haired and the blond haired blushed. Why was Kazuma making this so awkward than it already was?

     "Haha kidding! I'll see you lovebirds around!"

Kazuma strolled off, winking as he went. All the pair could hear was fading footsteps and their own heartbeats.

     Finally, the ash-haired turned to Nana.

     "What the hell was that? Why would you say that? We're not dating! And why did you even help me in the first place?"

     Shinomiya was asking way too many questions, Nana could hardly focus. But he did catch on to a few string of words.

    "Look, I have absolutely zero idea why I said that, but at least Kazuma will back off of you. Can't you be a little grateful?"

    Shinomiya huffed in annoyance. Nana did have a point. Kazuma has done that a few times before, which he would not like to elaborate on.

     "Okay, thanks,, I guess. But you have been acting weird these past couple days. What were you even doing in my class yesterday?"

     Nana's cheeks dusted a slight pink. At the same time he grit his teeth at the thought of that girl's laugh.

    "I-I was just gonna brag to you about something with Serinuma, but there was this girl, so I couldn't."

    "Okay, but instead of just leaving, you decided to stand there dumbly staring at me for no reason?" Shinomiya blushed a bit at the thought of the girl talking to him yesterday. She was way too clingy for him. And she was not Kae.

     "I was just,,, God, I don't know what's been going on with me, okay? I've been feeling weird. Why am I even admitting this to you?" Nana shuffled on his feet. Why was he even still talking to the kid?

    Shinomiya was getting confused. What does Nana mean? Something with Serinuma? Feeling weird? He cocked his eyebrows, tilting his head in confusion.

    Nana sighed. "Let's just go to lunch already. I'm hungry." Nana walked past Shinomiya, his face heavy in embarrassment. Shinomiya quickly followed him, to be honest, he was a little hungry, too.

   "What are you talking about when you say 'something with Serinuma'? What are you planning?" Shino narrowed his eyes at Nanashima.

    Nana smirked, getting his confidence back. He winked at Shino.

    "Guess you'll just have to see." Shinomiya didn't see that one coming. He quickly turned away to hide his oncoming blush that spread from his ears to his cheeks. God, why was he getting flustered? Things were moving too fast for him, he couldn't keep up. It was overwhelming him. So to cope, Shinomiya decided to come right back at Nana.

     "You realize that we'll have to act in love in front of Kazuma, right? Because of your idiotic thinking?" Nana flushed back, his confidence quickly deflating again. He bumped Shinomiya's arm with his elbow.

    "We'll just have to hope Serinuma and Nishina never catch on."
This absolutely sucked and probably made no sense which I'm incredibly sorry for lmao.
Please suggest ideas! ty uwu
words: 1563

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