I saw the person out of the corner of my eye and as they walked past me I quickly threw them at the back of their thigh and reached for my gun to shoot at his vest. They pulled the daggers out and looked at me, I made eye contact with Aries and he blew his air horn with a 'really bitch' look on his face. I laughed and ran to him and hugged him helping him get back to his feet. 

"Good luck Vivs!" He whispered a bit loudly and I smiled back and hugged him again running off. I was running fast and dodging everything they had set out for us. I went right in the middle of the remaining space and sat there. I was gonna give off the idea that I was giving up. I grabbed the rope and tied an arrow to it and held on to it tightly.  

I felt a brush of air above my head and looked behind me and seen a girl smiling and I quickly got up and threw the arrow, it landed in her shoulder and I smiled back and yanked the rope hard and then quickly shot her vest. I ran to her and blew her air horn for her and I yanked the arrow out of her and I helped her up.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Viviana." I said shaking her hand and she laughed back and shook my hand as well, "Lilly." We walked to the middle as we were waiting for the boss and his men to arrive. As soon as we sat down they came running towards us and started talking to Lilly and I at the same time. I got up and helped her up and looked at Gerald who had a look of worry on his face.

"I'm perfectly fine see!" I laughed out spinning around. He smiled then looked up and down at my arms and legs, I forgot that I got stabbed,got shot at with arrows, and burned by a lighter somehow, and got scratched by a few girls as we had to get into a hand in hand fight. "okay so I forgot about those things okay. But, other than that I'm good." I laughed again and he sighed and hugged me and kept kissing my cheek. 

"Alright lets go get you two back to the warehouse to have dinner and show everyone the top 2!" Leo said while clapping his hands. On our way back Gerald kept looking at my cuts and scratches and sighed, "I wish I could clean these but we like to use these visuals as representation for the rookies in the future, and we take pictures of them and put them in books." I looked up at him confusingly, "Books? What Books?" I asked and he chuckled,

"If we, the boss or men date one of the rookies, and they went through the test and every first mission they do, we take pictures of them and everything. Kinda  like a baby book for you guys and a trip down memory lane. But for you, there's going be a lot of pictures." He smiled and kissed my forehead then quickly wiped his lips. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

We arrived at the warehouse and they led us into the back door where they had a small platform for us to stand on. As we walked in and onto the platform everyone was gasping or cheering. I heard a few girls who weren't happy for me and one came running up to me and she punched me! Square in the fucking jaw! I swung on her and grabbed her hair in both fists and pulled her head down onto my knee. I pulled her back up and threw her to the ground and sat on her punching her repeatedly. 

Gerald pulled me off of her and held me but I kept trying to slide down and kick her and she got close enough and pulled my foot and yanked me out of Gerald's arms and she sat on me and started punching me but I grabbed her small hoop and yanked it out then grabbed her septum and yanked it out. I seen blood and I heard most people saying "Ew" but I was laughing and pushed her off of me kicking her. 

Then Gerald grabbed me again but held down my arms and Leo grabbed the girl and took her away. Gerald took me back up to the platform by Lilly and she high-fived me and I laughed with her. I heard Aries and Maddi yelling my name and cheering me on.  After the 'ceremony' we were finally allowed to eat but I wanted to get home and shower but the trio wanted to come hangout with me and we all begged Gerald, and he said yes until he gets home which since the test ended at 11 p.m. and then ceremony lasted till 12:30 a.m. and dinner is just now starting so we have a couple more hours. 

We got home and they were chilling in me and Gerald's room while I was showering and I had the bathroom door open so I can talk to them easier. 

" You guys know that the first one who got me out was Maddi, then Aries stabbed me 5 times! and Vivi was the one who got me in her rope trap." Chris said laughing. I laughed with him and I started washing my body letting my conditioner sit in my hair.  "Well at least you didn't get stabbed 2 and taken out all by Viviana!" Aries whined out and I nodded to myself while washing off the soap.  "Well, Viv got it worst tonight, she got attacked. It's a good thing Vivi won, it proves she has what it takes to be in a mafia. Especially since she is marrying the Don!" Maddi squealed.

I laughed out, "I don't think we're getting married anytime soon, besides I wanna meet his parents!" I yelled out as I was drying off and I slipped on my black silk robe. I walked out and we all went downstairs and ordered like 5 boxes of pizza so we each had our own pizza and I made Gerald one and we ordered wings and soda. When it came we took it and paid then ran to the kitchen giggling.  As we were eating out of our boxes we started getting deep in talk. 

"Guys, I already told Viv this but, I am gay." Chris said and quickly shoved pizza in his mouth to keep him from answering questions. Maddi and Aries smiled and cheered him on and I laughed. "And tell them who. Because I think you and Aries might have something in common." I said winking at them. "I like um Leo, Gerald's left hand man." Chris chuckled and Aries smiled "I like him too! But I like his daughter, but she doesn't want anything to do with the mafia." He sighed and grunted. We all laughed and kept eating and were talking and on our phones. 

At around 3:40 a.m. they left and about 30 minutes later Gerald came home and I followed him into the room and sat on the bed. He was getting undressed and got on black sweats and got into the bed and pulled me towards him rubbing my thigh and kissing my neck. I giggled and a played with his hair which he then later fell asleep and I followed suit.

Hey guys I know I took so fucking long to update but I made this one very long! and yes the challenge does continue! *insert mischievous face* 

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