The Bridge

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The Forest of Erydria,

"Give her to me." for a moment, Jharey hesitated. "Please." Havillah begged and Mima piped in as well.

"Please Jharey."

He shook his head.

"If you hurt her anymore... "

"Jharey!" Mima scolded.

The man looked at the bundle in his hands and sighed. Fresh tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Why did he have to be so helpless? He was supposed to be the mayor. The one with all the answers.

"Please Jharey." she told him and he turned to look at her silver eyes.

"Fine. " he sighed as he hang his head in defeat. "Please help her."

"I will try my best." Havillah reassured him with a sad smile. She sat on the bed and took the girl from his arms. She had begged him to let her help them, but what was she to do now? She thought as she closed her eyes and began pumping crystals into the girl's system. She had tried before, but she still tried again. There must have been something that she had missed. She thought as her hands started to glow and the little body as well.

She could see her lymphatic system, her nervous system and the most obvious was her circulatory system. She had checked everything, but there was nothing. No physical abnormalities or signs of illness. So why was she not waking up?

"Come on little girl." She coerced, whisperingas her eyes watered with tears. What was she missing? She grew desperate.  The girl's skin under her arms was cold and leathery. Her heartbeat was still there but her breathing was barely there. It was obvious that her condition was getting worse and in her present state, Havillah's was also useless.

"Help me. " she whispered to her Guide and hoped that he would guide her. If not for her, for the sake of the little girl that was slowly dying out in her hands. No, not dying. She remembered what Jharey had told her. She was slowly turning into one of them, and Havillah's heart broke as she imagined that girl as one of the Sleepers.

"What do you see? " her Guide answered.

"Physically, she seems okay and there are no blockages. " she replied but even as she said this, Havillah doubted herself. Physically okay?  She almost laughed at that as she considered the child's very frail physical form. "There must be something I am missing." She added as she thought back to the dimness of the girl's body that was akin to Selene's but different at the same time. Yet, there were no blockages in her conduit system.

"There is more to a person than the physical body, you must be aware." Her Guide replied.

"There is the mind, the body and the spirit."

"Exactly, and what did you learn about your encounter with this terror? "

She tried to remember.

"You mean that attack from the other day? I was asleep. I thought I was dreaming, but when I came to, there were those wounds on my hands."

They were healed now but she could still remember the stinging pain from the grazed skin of her hands.

"What can you infer from that? "

He was turning this into a lesson. Havillah grimaced as her mind began to work overtime, but with the girl in her arms and the urgency of the situation it was nearly impossible. She found that she was too conscious of the time and of her condition to come up with anything substantial.

"Please, can we not turn this into a lesson? " she begged. Like always, the voice did not answer her. He was always stubborn like that, but what did she expect from a being that had hurt a person just to prove a point to her?

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