What Next?

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Lex surprisingly wasn't as cruel to you as the men and women from the facility. He was actually surprisingly nice to you when he wasn't beating your face with his suit. He let you rest after each beating and made sure that you were aware that Lena was still alive. Lex had even so far as to let you train with him. You weren't sure what the combat training was for and even more unsure of why he was teaching you it. With what he was training you, you could easily kill him without your powers. The only thing stopping you was the fact that Lena was still being held against her will. 

"Why are you teaching me this, Mr. Luthor?"

You asked him one day as you watched him turn on the kryptonite emitters in the room. 

"Is it so hard to believe that I don't have an ulterior motive, (fake name)."

You stayed quiet, thinking over what he said. Lex always had ulterior motives to everything. You were one of the examples. He had used Lena to get you to do his bidding. 

"It is not, Mr. Luthor."

"Good. Lets get started. Just a couple of more days and we'll be done."

You weren't sure what he meant by that but with the way he was smiling, you weren't sure if that was a good thing. 

Getting in your usual pose, you began to practice the moves your trainer had though you. 


Lena was bored out of her mind. The men that had been holding her hostage in her own home refused to give her any information. She had even begged them to see her brother but they refused. Saying that Mr. Luthor had given them specific instructions to keep her inside the mansion. With a lot of free time in her hands and all the tools she could ever dream of having, she began to figure out a way to escape. She knew that the two idiots downstairs could be easily fooled so she began to develop a hologram of herself that she could use to keep them fooled. 

Building it was easy, the hard thing was finding a way to escape. She knew that the house had several hidden doors because of how paranoid her father was so she was more than sure that there would be a secret door to leave the house. It didn't take long to find the blueprint of the house in her father's office nor the hallway that led her to the outside. 

Grabbing the most essential things she needed, Lena turned on the hologram and made her way to the exit after she knew that the two men were busy downstairs. Once outside, she got inside the car of her friend, Sam. 

"You're fucking crazy, you know that. What's going to happen when Lex finds out you're gone."

Lena let out  a deep breath that she had been holding on. 

"I just hope that I have enough time to find the Supers. They need to know that she is alive."

Sam just nods, stepping on the gas to speed up the trip to National City. 


"What do you mean she's gone?! How did you let her leave?"

"Boss, we don't know. We went to check on her after she hadn't come downstairs to eat and we found out that she had built a hologram of herself."

Lex crumbled the armor's arm piece. He needed to speed up his plans. No doubt that his sister was on her way to search for the Supers. 

He tossed the piece aside and gripped both of their necks tightly until he heard a snap. Letting go of their bodies, he stepped over them and made his way to your room with plan B. 

"(fake name), because you've been doing so well with you're training, I decided to give you one of the things that Lena has sent for you. As a way to remind you that she still thinks of you."

You were suspicious of him but considering it was about Lena, you let your guard down. 

"What is it Mr. Luthor."

He smiled and held up the gold necklace that had a red stone in the middle. 

"Father, gave it to her. She thought you should have it."

You looked down at the necklace, smiling at the thought of Lena. Taking it from him, you put it on. Lex smiled when he took notice of the brief red glow in your veins and eyes. This was surely going to speed up things. 

"Thank you, Mr. Luthor."

"You're very welcome, (fake name.)


"Lena, do you really think it's a good idea for you to actively be looking for them. They know your brother wants to kill them, what makes you think that they'll come to you willingly."

Lena wiped the sweat off of her forehead as she finished painting the last part of her message. 

"Because I have something they want."

Sam stepped back and looked down at the message. 

'Supergirl, your sister is alive. Come meet me at the docks, tonight and I'll help you find her.'

The Alien Auction - Lena Luthor/Reader(FxF)Where stories live. Discover now