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I came up with the idea for this a while ago before I knew too much about gender fluidity and such. Turns out I'm genderfluid, I've been out for a few months and it's been great. All that to say this book was an "I told you so" to myself *facepalm* Enjoy.


"How was work sweetie?" Mom asked as I drug myself into the house. 

"Exhausting, boring, pointless. Much like my existence," I said as I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Hush your mouth! We do not speak such terrible things in this house. We are blessed to have the life we have now," She scolded. Despite being forced into practical slavery in Battery City my mom still remained in her perfect little world. Religion wasn't common in Battery City, it was frowned upon by the people in charge, whoever they were. Nevertheless, my mom found a way to convince them to let her host a weekly meeting for anyone who wanted to come and worship a dude in the sky. Not a lot of people ever came, even some of mom's friends from before it got hot had given up. I didn't blame them. If I believed in that sort of thing, which I didn't, I would give up when the world caught on fire and my god didn't save it. Religion is dead, hope is dead, dreams are dead, pretty much everything that was once bright in the world was burned to ash by the sun then swept up by Better Living Industries and tossed away. 

"If we were blessed then our home wouldn't have been torched. We wouldn't have had to abandon our life and live in this city for three years. Maybe I would have gone to college, actually done something with my life by now," I shook my head at her before walking past her and to my bedroom. Before she could say anything else I shut the door and locked it. I threw my work bag on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked around my bare room and sighed. Before all this, I had a nice room. Navy blue walls, a desk and a couch, band posters everywhere, I even had a few pornos stashed under my bed. When we moved to our government-issued housing we couldn't bring any of that stuff. Everything we did bring would up being confiscated. Our clothes were replaced by white and grey uniforms. Our apartments were all the same, down to the last detail. We used to have a neighbor who hid a framed photo of her grandkids from the Draculoids when she moved in. After they left she put it out, a few days later we were told she had been moved to a new housing unit... bullshit. They have cameras in the apartments, I've managed to find them all without them noticing. There's one in the living room, the kitchen, the hall closet, but none in the bedrooms or bathrooms. After sitting for a moment I walked back to my bag and pulled out a rolled piece of paper. I then headed for my dresser and pushed it away from the wall. It wasn't heavy or hard to move, making it the perfect place for my "shrine" to the Fabulous Killjoys. I had been trying to find the Killjoys practically since I moved here. They were rebels who had the balls to give the finger to BLI and I admired that. On the back of the dresser, I had newspaper articles, pictured from surveillance cameras, and wanted posters of the Killjoys. I grabbed some tape and proceeded to tape the last piece of my collection, Party Poison's wanted poster. I smiled as I admired my completed set. Just as I was about to push the dresser back I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned to the window and I swore I saw something move. I pushed the dresser back before rushing to the window. I opened it and looked out into the dark alley. I could faintly see a shadow running and my heart raced. What if it was a Draculoid? No, they would have busted in and arrested me. Could it have been a spy? Someone who was going to report me? My heartbeat sped up and my palms got sweaty. 

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck," I said to myself as I paced in front of the bed. This was bad. I sudden knock on the door made me jump.

"Honey? What's going on in there? Why is the door locked?" My mom's voice asked as she jiggled the door handle. 

"I'm masturbating, go away," I lied. 

"(Y/n) (Y/m/n)! Masturbation is a sin!" She shouted through the door. 

"I'm 19, would you rather me just go see a pornodroid?" I asked and there was silence. After a moment I heard her stomp off down the hall and to her god knows where. I let out a sigh of relief before throwing myself onto the bed.

What the fuck did I get myself into... 

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