I gotta be honest...

Start from the beginning

All of a sudden Scott threw his hand up, palms out. "Wait just a minute Miss Trouble! Does that mean you knew who I was too?"

"Not until you took your sunglasses off. Then when you said that was your brother that honked at us, I knew it would be Chris already before I saw him."

Sarcastically, Scott made one more remark before turning on his heel and walking off proudly like he was getting back at me just a little for not coming clean about him sooner too. "Yeah, that's when you called him a fucktard!"

Chris turned to me with his mouth open in fake shock, hand coming to rest on his pec, as I defended myself. "Look, I was already stressed and freaking out and then you scared the shit out of me when you honked the horn! It was a reflex! I'm sorry, I do take it back now though. You aren't a fucktard!"

Finally letting out his laugh he was obviously trying to hold in again, he placed his hand on my back to push me forward to the bar, as he hit the button on his keychain to lock the truck while we walked. He then shoved his hands in his pockets a grinned. "Who even says fucktard?"

"Obviously I do when I'm not thinking about what I'm really saying. I said I'm sorry."

He chuckled. "I'm kidding y/n."

Scott was impatiently waiting at the door under the sign to this place, conveniently called The Hangout, with a huge grin on his face. Squinting my eyes at him I whispered, "traitor", and walked in with Chris behind me, Scott bringing up the trail, laughing as he did.

Chris headed straight to an open pool table, looking back at us saying, "let's grab this one while we can. I'm surprised one is open already." He began to get the balls lined up and in place then walked over giddily to grab some poles. Seemingly sizing the sticks up he picked out two sizes. Pushing the smaller one out for me to grab, I hesitantly took it from him.

Scott had bolted to the bar, ordering the first round of drinks, leaving me to talk with Chris. Our demeanor together had taken a definite turn since I came clean. He seemed a little more at ease which I thought would be the opposite of what he would be after finding out I knew who he was. Shyly, I spoke up, "Chris, I am definitely not good at pool. I don't even know all the rules. Maybe I should watch you and Scott play first."

"Alright well tell me what you do know about it."

Letting out a louder laugh than I intended, I answered his question. "Well... um... I know one player has to get the stripes in and the other gets the solids in. The white ball can't go in a hole. Um... that's all I know."

Smiling, he walked closer to me and spoke. "You have a pretty good idea of it then. So, let's do this, you and I will be on a team so I can teach you. It will be like you are playing Scott but I will help you with your shots and banking the balls."

I tried my best to stifle my laugh as I looked back into his eyes but as tight as I held my lips together to hold it in, it wasn't enough. Banking the balls just sounded so funny to me when Chris said it. He too began to laugh, but more so at how funny I found his statement. "Yeah, yeah y/n, ...banking the balls."

"Chris, you sure you don't mean...... never mind, it's too soon for me to start making jokes about your balls and what you do with them."

Walking another step toward me, definitely inside my imaginary perimeter of personal space, the tone of his voice seemed a little lower as he spoke right into my face, but quietly. "I'm going to let you in on three little things I have observed about you so far sweetheart. First of all, you said you were a Bucky fan, not a Cap fan. My goal is to sway you at some point in my life. Secondly, I think you are going to be a lot of fun with some alcohol in your system..."

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