Chapter 19-Love You, You Jerk

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Chapter 19

The service was nice and I liked the pastor. He preached a message that spoke to both adults and us teens, and not like most pastors which teach things that are only applicable to adults.

Afterwards, my mom began conversing with a few members of the congregation, so I figured that I could talk to my bew friends for a while.

Rachel, Matt, Justin, Carly, Ben and I were standing in the foyer in a loose circle, just kind of having our own conversations. I was talking to Rachel, Matt was talking to Justin, and Carly and Ben were kind of talking over each other, but still having a conversation.

Rachel and I were kind of just firing questions back and forth, getting to know each other.

"So how old are you now Kat?" Rachel asked me.

"I'm 15 but I'll be 16 next month." I replied. "What about you?"

"I'm 17."

"What do you like to do?"

"I like to play the piano. I play a lot. I also play in the band here, but I had this Sunday off. Justin and Matt play guitar. Cash does, too, when he's here. He's the pastor's son and one of Justin's friends."

"Well, I read a lot, I sing some, write songs, I play pretty much every single instrument, I love to run, I can paint, I guess, and-"

"Wow! You have a lot of hobbies Kat." Matt interrupted.

I glared at him, but there was no heat behind my usually fiery Look.

"What? I was just stating a fact. And how come she got more out of you about your life than we did all day? I mean except for the thing about your d-" I cut Matt off with an elbow to the ribs, shooting him a real glare telling him to shut up.

"Shut up Matt." Justin said for me.

Rachel just raised her eybrows, looking at us in confusion.

"I'm stayin' outta this one." She stated.

I laughed. "Good idea. I can get pretty feisty."

"Yeah, I can see that. Your glare has more heat behind it than the forges of Hell."

I grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Sure." She said, shrugging in a 'whatever' way. "Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted by this buffoon?"

"Hey!" Matt protested, but we ignored him and his bruised ego.

"What grade are you in?" Rachel began again.

"I'm a junior but I'm homeschooled. Always have been. You?"

"I'm homeschooled, too, but I'm a mighty senior."

"Yeah, I'm sure you are."

"Who's your best friend?"

"His name is Stephen."

I showed her a picture of him and me from last summer when the Camden boys and I went to Cedar Point. Stephen and I had gone on one of the water rides, whist Kylar and Zach had opted for something that wouldn't get them wet. I think that they were just wimps.

Anyway, I had forced Kylar to take a picture of Stephen and I, soaking wet and making faces at the camera. My arm was around his waist and his was around my shoulders. I was making a fish face and crossing my eyes, Stephen was attempting to look funny but was failing miserably because he was laughing at me, mouth wide open, bending slightly to ease the pain in his belly from laughing so hard.

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