A lady was sitting at a small white desk, currently working on her desktop. She heard the sound of the door opening, glancing up at the arrivals.

"Somi!" She greeted, her voice thickly accented, Jungkook doesn't know from where though. "And who are you?"

"Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook responded, glancing around the room, it was brightly colored pink, before glancing back at the lady. Her long hair was colored blonde at the roots before fading into a rich brown.

"I'm Mercedes," she responded, holding out her hand. Jungkook awkwardly shook it.

"So, Jimin's out," Somi began.

"So I've heard," Mercedes sighed, "that boy is gonna be the death of me."

"Anyway, we need another boy, and I brought Jungkook, my brother!"

Jungkook's eyes instantly widened, ready to protest before Somi stomped on his foot, making him keep quiet.

"Oh really?" Mercedes aired, "can you tumble?"

"I used to," Jungkook answered through gritted teeth, hiding his pain.

"Can you stunt?"

"What's that?" Jungkook questioned.

"Jungkook plays football, he should be strong enough," Somi added.

Mercedes nodded slowly, "I want to see you tumble, if you surprise me, you're on the team."

Somi nodded for Jungkook, "he won't disappoint you!"

"Follow me," Mercedes instructed, pushing herself out of her swivel chair, exiting her small office, the twins following behind.

"I'm not doing this," Jungkook whispered to his sister.

"You owe me Jungkook," Somi scoffed. "It's not like you have anything important to do, football season is over."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I don't think I can even tumble anymore, it's been years."

"You'll figure it out," Somi assured.

"So Jungkook, show me what you got," Mercedes spoke, gesturing to the floor. "You can stretch and warm up if you need to."

Jungkook nodded as he looked around, there was a group of girls around his age working on some tumbling while another class of toddlers was running from across the room.

He stretched for a good minute before he was ready, his body warm and stretched. "Do you want to start with running or standing tumbling?"

"I'll do standing first," Jungkook answered, making his way to the middle of the floor, doing a simple flip that was basic for gymnastics. Jungkook looked to Mercedes for any confirmation that he was doing well.

"Perfect, you're right on our level," Mercedes smiled. "Now let me see your running tumbling."

Jungkook jogged to one of the four corners of the floor, preparing himself to tumble diagonally across it.

Jungkook ran a couple of steps before his hands touched the floor, his legs coming up from above his head, twisting his body before sitting back for a back handspring before setting as high as he could for a pretty and straight layout. 

Jungkook seemed to have floated in the air as he came back down, his feet making contact with the floor once more, looking at Mercedes again.

"You're perfect!" Mercedes exclaimed. "You're on the team!"

"Really?" Jungkook asked, slightly shocked, he still didn't know what he was signing up for.

"What sport is this exactly?" Jungkook whispered.

"Welcome to the world of all-star cheer, Jungkook," Somi smiled. "It's gonna be so much fun having you on the team! I can make fun of you anytime I want!"

Jungkook snorted, "like I'll let you get away with-."

"Why is he here?" A voice called from behind Jungkook, which oddly sounded very familiar.

Jungkook slowly turned around to the owner of the voice, only to be met with the intimidating brown eyes and bangs that always seemed to fall over them.

Jungkook hid his enthusiasm when he was face to face with Taehyung, his tutor who apparently hated his guts.

This is gonna get interesting, Jungkook couldn't help but ponder.

A/N: I hope I was able to describe Jungkook's tumbling right, it's hard to explain at times! 🤞

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