Chapter 11- Creatures of the Obscurum Jungle (Part 1)

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As she sat there on the ground, she didn't pay attention to what was going on around her. She wasn't expecting anyone to have witnessed what just happened. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as a voice hissed from behind her.

"What do we have here?"

Part 1

Rayna froze in place, keeping her eyes on the ground, feeling her heart start beating faster once more. She knew if she looked up, the fear there would be as clear as day, and so would her eyes. She wanted to kick herself, remembering her aunt's words about using her powers and how they would ruin the potion's effects.

Rayna had to think fast. She jumped up from where she was on the muddy ground and ran forward and reached her hand out to the water, getting ready to use it at her will.

"Stop her!" A voice shouted from behind her, and before she could cast even one-spell vines began to wrap around her hands and up her arms. She thrashed back and forth, trying to get loose. She felt the panic begin as she impulsively went, "Cutis mea calidum igni." The one dryad cried out, the vines slipping out from her skin that was as hot as fire. She knew it would only last for a second, so she jumped forward her boots, landing in the water as she used it to glide down the stream.

The little witch did not make it far though, as another dryad gripped her by her ankle from the stream as more shouts were heard behind her. And before she could speak, the vines wrapped over her mouth, pulling her arms behind her. Rayna kept her eyes closed, panicking as she realized she could possibly die at this moment. The laws of the jungle were not in the slightest bit the same as they were in the kingdom. The creatures of the jungle were not expected to follow the rules of the people. They could do whatever they pleased as long as it did not disturb the peace.

She had definitely been disturbing the peace.

She kept her eyes closed tight as she was brought down to the ground on her knees. She did not want to be aware of what they would use to kill her at that moment. She just hoped it would be a quick death.

Once she was secure, the voice spoke once more. "Bring her to the rock. Now!" She heard what sounded like hooves riding off in front of her.

The dryads dragged her along the ground, not caring about every rock they dragged her over as they walked forward, taking her to the rock, as the voice commanded before. She felt her heart racing so hard in her chest as she awaited her fate. She tried to think of what to do, to stop them from taking her wherever they were going. But nothing came to mind of what to do.

Once they stopped, no movements being made, she still did not lift her head up. She heard a slight flutter fly past her, but she still didn't lift her head.

Rayna felt tiny fingers grip her chin, pulling her head up to get her attention. "Look up when you are presented in front of the King and Prince of the Obscurum Jungle, child." She opened her eyes in shock, looking at the faery that spoke taking in her appearance. She's not more than four feet tall floating right in front of her, her features so delicate and light. The faery looked as most did, the hair on her head was a feather gray color, crystal blue eyes, no eyebrows at all, with pointy little ears and a sharp chin with an oval shape to her head. Her frame was very petite, and she's wearing what could only be described as leaves covering her arms, torso, and legs.

The fairy gasped, looking at Rayna as well, shocked to see who was before her. As she took in more of the princess's appearance, she touched the ground in awe, unable to focus on flying.

Rayna looked around her and saw the centaur before her that stood in front of the rock. Well, not exactly a rock, for it was much larger than that. She would think it more a boulder, with its steep incline that angled upward to the sky, it's deep gray in color, making it look even larger. And at the top was where the King of the Obscurum Jungle stood looking down on her.

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