Chapter 7

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The sun poked its head through the curtains of my bedroom window. It was a rather unusual way to wake up for me. Ever since I adopted Lex, he had woken me up, even if it was before I gave him the ability to speak. So when I opened my eyes, it came as no surprise to find I was not in my room at all. My head pounded in my skull-- as if I had gotten black-out drunk the night before-- as I scanned the room I was in.

It was messy, messier than I would have liked. I sat up and called out Lex's name, he did not come, I don't know why he would, this isn't my apartment after all. Force of habit, I guess.

There was a mirror beside the bed and as I peered into it I saw, not my normal face, but the face of Bleddyn, the cute guy I keep running into. I got out of the bed and moved toward the mirror slowly as if the face I was seeing was not actually mine. 

Bleddyn moved closer too.

I reached a hand out and touched my figure pads directly onto the mirror and felt my mouth broaden with the same smile I saw of Bleddyn's face.

It was me, but it wasn't me at the same time. It took me a rather long time to figure out what had happened, and I spent far too long in front of that mirror to notice the fact that the plans upon the walls were superhero-y ones.

Then it hit me: I was in the body of Erebus, Bleddyn was Erebus, and I have discovered his secret lair (which also happens to be a small apartment).

If the gun worked, then that means, Bleddyn is in my body, and we only have 12 hours remaining in these bodies. I was glad it was a Sunday, I had no need to fake my way through his classes, or go to his work. I could spend all day just examining all of these plans.

For once, I won! I did it! The gun worked and I had enough time to work on how to--

There was a knock at the door. I froze and looked at it, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, Bleddyn? You in there? I know you have the day off so I was wondering if we could go out for coffee or something?"

It was a woman, most likely a friend of Bleddyn. 

"Yeah sure, I'll be out in a minute," I said through the door, hurrying to put on clothes and make myself look presentable, I may not be in my fabulous body, but I must look amazing wherever I go. After rummaging through Bleddyn's closet to find something adequate, I examined all the walls. Originally I thought them to be plans on how to defeat me, but as I examined them further, I realized they were so much more.

They were plans on how to be with me.

I didn't have time to process it as I quickly rushed out of the bedroom and navigated to the front door, which I immediately opened to the sight of a rather short girl in her early twenties and hair dyed the color of sickly bubblegum pink. 

"Hey, listen, I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday. I'm sorry I got really defensive and stuff, I know that you are going through a lot with Nihil--" they call me Nihil, adorable-- "and your parents. I probably just made it worse, and I'm really sorry. If you really want to go look for them, I will support you no matter what, but also know that there are things you have to deal with here first."

"Uhuh-- yeah, uh-- thanks," I say, trying to figure out who this person is. I stepped out of Bleddyn's apartment and closed the door behind me, the girl grabbed my arm and started walking in the direction of what seemed to be an elevator.

"So how was the fight last night?" 

"It was-- something." I shrug and try to think of what to say.

"Something? Are you feeling alright, B? Normally after a fight, you talk non-stop about Nihil for at least thirty minutes."

Well shit.


I woke to the paws of a cat slapping my face. 

It is not my normal way of waking from slumber, but I also haven't slept in forever so I can't say that I know a way to normally wake up. I did know, however, that I did not own a cat-- that's why it was odd.

I sat up immediately and looked around frantically: I was not in my apartment, my head was pounding, a cat was sitting beside me, and my face felt weird. 

"Hey, sleepyhead."

I screamed.

The cat blinked and cocked its head in a confused manner, "What's up with you, think I tried to kill you in my sleep?"

"You can talk?" I sputtered while hurrying out of bed.

"Yes, I can talk?" The cat paused for a minute and it seemed that something clicked, he padded over to a little table and muttered something along the lines of that idiot. . . not taking into consideration . . . the velocity of Earth . . . 

"So, you are not Mr. Evil?" the cat asked me.

"No, and who are you?"

"I'm none of your business. But I will tell you that you and Dr. Nihilistical have swapped bodies, only till midnight tonight, so use your time wisely." 

"It doesn't seem that you are very good at stopping the revelation of our identities."

"Eh, he's in love with you, he just doesn't know it, I figured that you would want at least a fighting chance." 

I'm going to die.

"Well, I'm off, don't talk to me and I won't kill you. Have fun, Kid." The cat padded out of the room and I was left. 

I was in Elliot's house, with all of his plans to destroy me, and do you know what I did? I fangirled.

I spent the first few minutes just staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, examining every inch of Elliot's face, how perfect it was.

He was beautiful.

I examined all of his projects lined up on his desk, all prototypes of the gun he used on me yesterday. And then I realized that if I was looking at all of his work, he was looking at my plans.

I didn't have a plan over how to defeat Elliot.

However, I had millions over how I would marry him.

Oh, I am so screwed.

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