The undertakers daughter

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A/n: I had a thought. What if wammys was near the woods? And all the kids would hang out there when they grew up. This is based on that idea lol.

Hc: as a kid L likes to wander around in the woods feeding stray cats and such. But it turns out a lonely graveyard stood on the other side.

About 10 years old, was the worlds greatest detective. Of course, no one knew that. No one would believe a 10 year old could do such a thing. It was a tough job for a kid, so when playtime was available he jumped on it. Climbing the back fence of the small orphanage and running barefoot through the grass into the woods to look for his cat friends.

The nearby woods had pretty much been taken over by the kids at the orphanage. They'd moved furniture people had put out for pick up under the trees and built forts out if branches. Climbed the trees, swam in the river, swung on the several swings they'd tied up to trees. And rumour had it the big kids snuck off there to kiss.

L was a lonesome boy. He didn't really get along that well with the other kids, being so introverted and timid. But he still wanted friends. It didn't seem to work out at the orphanage though, so he spent lots of time in his room. The woods was an escape. Somewhere fun. And private property and safe to be in.

The woods has two sides. The one on the property of the orphanage and the one on the property of a graveyard. Not a lot of kids went into that side in fear it was haunted. But some of the older kids didn't seem to care.

L had never been to the graveyard. But he knew no ghost roamed the area. That was ridiculous. He stayed by the pond with the frogs and in the sunny patches with the stray cats. But sometimes the glimpse of the fence marking the graveyard through the trees intrigued him.

"Your owners are so mean, why would they leave you?" The boy said to the black cat with a ripped up collar eating from his hand.

This same cat had been roaming the same spot for about a month now. And L made sure he was fed every day. He even started to be followed back to the orphanage by the cat.

"You're like me but a cat, your parents left you too. And we both have black hair"

He picked up the cat who rubbed against his shoulder, purring at the touch of a caring human. Holding the cat and cuddling it, the small boy with eyebags much time dark for his age glanced over at the fence he could see through the gaps in the trees. The sun hitting patches of grass through the leaves by the swing A and B had put up. Pink and purple flowers littered the floor and the sound of birds was all to be heard.

The gate was open. He could see that much. A thought crossed his mind.

Where any of the victims of the cases he solved in that graveyard. Curiosity taking over he got up, the cat staying snuggled him his arms and walked toward the gate. Crossing the boundary of where the orphanages property ended. He approached the gate and peaked inside.

There were lots of graves with big crosses above them. The morning sun made a golden tint on all of them. Some had flowers on them. Some had teddies, or photos, or beer bottles. Curiously stepping into the gated area he was careful to stay in the isles. He knew touching or walking on graves was disrespectful. He read the names and dates on the stones. Many seemed to have lived long lives and were very loved by their families. Sometimes he passed a grave with a shorter date, and flyers about drunk driving on them. Some were short because of sickness that couldn't be cured, some were due to a horrible accident, some due to injury.

He wasn't aware there were that many ways to die. He knew about murder, accident, old age, sickness, but some graves has nothing but a name.

How did they die? Who were they? How long did they live? So many questions.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora