Chapter 12

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Marinette POV:

"So, Marinette. How have you enjoyed the trip so far?" Felix asked

I thought about last night. "It's been really fun!" I said

"What was your favorite part?" Felix asked.

"Um..." I said, I couldn't tell him bout last night! The teacher would be furious! Not to mention how the class would react and soon put the pieces together about Adrien's and my identities!

"I think it was soccer." I said, a little unsure of what to say.

"That was fun." Felix said

"Well what was your favorite part?" I asked

I really liked any time that I got to be around you." He said, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Oh, heheh." I said, looking down. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I didn't really like Felix, but something was definitely up with how he was acting. Come to think of it, This is kind of how Nathaniel had acted when he first really liked me...

I looked up into Felix's eyes, to see that he had leaned closer.

'Umm, I think... I'm gonna sketch now." I said, pulling my notepad and pen out.

Felix leaded back into his own seat and I heard him sigh disappointingly. "You really don't get any of these cues... Do you?" He asked

I decided to play it innocent. "What do you mean?" I asked, not looking up from my drawing

"What do you think I've been trying to say to you?" He asked

"That you really enjoy our friendship?" I asked, hoping that was the case.

Felix looked at me. "You are so oblivious." He said

"To what?" I asked

"I'm trying to tell you that I—" He started, but he was cut off by the bus coming to a sudden stop. I had my seatbelt on, so I didn't really move, but Felix didn't have his on, so he went flying forward and hit his nose on the seat in front of him.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine." He said, pushing himself back against his seat.

I noticed blood coming from his nose. "Oh no! Your nose is bleeding! Did it hurt?" I asked, getting genuinely worried.

"I'm fine. I'll be right back." He said, standing up and going to the bathroom in the back of the bus.

I looked around for any traces of blood, but I didn't see any drippings.

"Are you alright, Marinette?" I heard Adrien say from the seat in front of me. He had turned around, peering through the gap of the seats.

"Yeah, but what did Felix mean?" I asked "did he actually like me, or was I getting the wrong message?" I asked

Adrien looked surprised. " You actually got that cue?" He asked

"Well yeah, I can get cues...Sometimes." I said

"Oh, you were just acting oblivious." Adrien said

"Yeah. It probably made it even more awkward, but I really didn't want to kiss him." I said 

Adrien laughed and turned back around in his seat. I put some headphones in and listened to music while I drew in my notebook. 

After a while, Felix returned with a red nose. He didn't try to start up another conversation because I had headphones in.

When we got to the hotel, I saw different kinds of rooms labeled on the key wall.

"Alright class! We will now get the roommates!" Our teacher said "But, before I tell you who you'll be rooming with, I want you to know the theme of this hotel! The reason I didn't tell you earlier is because, ..... It's a LOVE HOTEL!!!!!!" 

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