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Heated. Heated was what Ray was as she stormed through the doors of her mom's room to see her lifting the bottle to her lips.

Her heart pumped warm blood through her body as she resisted the urge to snatch it away and throw it to the ground and watch it shatter into tiny little pieces.
"Mom what are you doing?!"

Her lazy, low eyes wondered over to her daughter. She hiccupped before beginning to talk.
"Huh? I'm just taking a little shot."
She giggled.

"You promised me."
She shook her head before turning to exit.

"I-i I'm trying baby. Moma is tired."
Ray heard her mumbled behind her as she hurried to grab her things from her room and dial Qua's number.

His groggy voice came through the phone. She could tell that he had just woken up. And to her he sounded amazing.

"Am I disturbing you?"
She asked as she threw a couple of outfits into her overnight bag.

"Nah you good baby."
As soon as that word came from lips Ray felt herself subconsciously squeeze her thighs together slightly.

"Well can you come and get me? Momma drinking again, and I cannot function in this house with her drinking her life away."
Qua ran a hand down his face. He was tired but he got to see his baby.

"Yeah give me some time. I'll be there ight?"

"I lo- Ok."
She replied and quickly caught herself. Maybe it was the fact that she'd grown attached to him and that he had been there for her whenever she needed him. She trusted him with her life, her secrets, everything.

"I love you too little girl."
He chuckled and he just knew she was blushing through the phone.

She said nothing in return as her breathing sped up and she hung up in a hurry. Little butterflies erupted in her stomach and her cheeks heated up. Soon a childish smile graced her face.

"Get it together Ray."
She thought.

She continued to change from her school clothes into a pair of black leggings and a white camisole, then threw her denim jacket over her exposed arms.

Looking in the mirror she decided to take her hair from it's normal puff and shake it until it was loose and framing her face. She smiled at her features inherited from her mother. Smooth caramel skin, full pouty lips. Her nose was thick and button like andher eyes were a deep chocolate color, slightly slanted.

Ray sat on her bed and waited for Qua. Lord only knew where he was but she wished he would hurry up and get to where she was. Being in his presence made her feel safe, his aura reminded her so much of her brother's. Memories of Keyontae were always dancing around her mind, sun up and sun down.

Hearing a car horn she knew it was Quavious. A smiled came across her face as she gathered her things. She told her mom she was leaving but she said nothing back. She was too drunk off her ass and out of her mind. Ray rolled her eyes and locked up the house.

Qua's eyes scanned her body as she turned to lock the front door. He bit down on his lip as a couple of dirty thoughts graced his mind of what he could do to her.

Truth be told it was against bro code... dating or lusting after his homeboy's little sister. But he knew Tae would understand or atleast Qua prayed he would. Qua was quickly brought back from his day dream as he heard Ray get into the car and close the door.

"Wassup little baby?"
He asked her as he took her bag.


"Damn what the hell you bring? Bag heavy as hell. The whole damn closet Nova?"
He laughed and called her by her first name. She laughed to and playfully waved him off.

Sent From Heaven (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now