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   WILL WAS SO EXHAUSTED when he came through the clearing that he didn't feel the light taps from Rosine, who was wrapped tightly on his back

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WILL WAS SO EXHAUSTED when he came through the clearing that he didn't feel the light taps from Rosine, who was wrapped tightly on his back. The sound of singing soothed his soul, transporting him to another place. In that place, there was no bloated dead bodies and no fallen friends and fellow soldiers. There was no war, and there was no pain.

Rosine nervously looked around at all the men sitting on the ground, who were all listening to the singer in the middle. Other than the soft melodious sounds coming from the man's mouth, the only other sounds were their footprints and the faint dripping of blood from her leg. By now the blood had soaked her torn clothe and was dripping as they walked.

Will carefully placed Rosine next to a tree behind all the men. She whimpered, but did her best to stay quiet. The atmosphere there was too peaceful to want to disturb. Will sat next to Rosine and laid his head on her shoulder, breathing in her new scent of river water.

"I'm going to see my father, and all my loved ones who've gone on."

Will thought about Rosine. About the scrawny, war-torn woman he met in Ecoust. The same woman who turned out to be strong and caring in so many ways. She was the only woman he had laid with, and he couldn't be prouder. If only Blake had been able to meet her.

God, he missed Blake. He missed his bravery and his jokes. Will's eyes scanned across the two hundred men around him. Blake would've made it here earlier. He wouldn't of gotten a concussion and allowed himself so much time with a woman. But, he reminded himself, Rosine isn't just any woman.

"I'm only going over Jordan. I'm only going over home."

The song finished and everyone clapped, savouring the last bits of peace and serenity. Will looked at Rosine. He noticed how her skin had lost colour from the cold, unforgiving water. He noticed how her blue eyes seemed dimmer, more lifeless. Her hair was still wet and matted to her head. She was full dirt from climbing on dead bodies and soil, and she seemed defeated.

But she smiled at him. It was small, but it was there. Strong.

"D Company! Move out!"

She was a beautiful human being. He couldn't imagine not meeting her. Where would they go from here? Would he get to go home with her? Where is home?

"You two alright?"

"Where are you from?"

"He's probably got up the wind"

"He's not one of ours. And she's a civilian."

"They're soaked. Oh bloody hell! She's bleeding!"

Rosine struggled to understand what they were saying. Yes, she was good at english, but it wasn't her first language. Being forced to speak it the past day had warmed her up and made her remember, but with so many people talking at once, and so fast with heavy accents, she felt overwhelmed. She nudged Will, and looked at him pleadingly.

Whatever daze he was in only faltered a bit, "the Devons.."

"What's he saying?"

"Repeat yourself," Rosine whispered to Will. Will finally looked up at all the men surrounding them, and spoke a bit louder.

"The Devons. I have to find the Devons."

The soldiers all looked at one another. "We are the Devons," one of them said.

Will suddenly became more aware and alert. "You're the Devons?"

"Yes, Corp."

"Why haven't you gone over yet?"

"We're the second wave. They don't send us all at once," another chimed in.

"We're D Company, we spent all last night digging in. We go last."

William struggled to get up on his feet. One of the men around him gave a hand to help steady him. Will shakily reached into his pocket and pulled out his letter.

"Mackenzie. Where's Colonel Mackenzie?"

"He's down the line. We're headed his direction now."

Will was about to take off when a weak hand grabbed his leg. She looked at him with her eyes barely open and her face bare of colour. "Don't worry about me. I'll find you afterwards."

Will was torn. Rosine didn't seem well.





"Don't worry, mate. We'll take her to our medics. She'll be just fine," a soldier said.

Will looked between Rosine and the soldiers. He leaned down and placed a firm kiss on her blue tinted lips. He pulled away, but held her face firmly in his hands.

"You fight for me Rosine. I promise I'll find you afterwards. I..I lo—"

"D Company! LETS GO!"

Will didn't bother finishing his last sentence. She knew what he was going to say, and he knew he didn't need to say it. They would see each other on the other side, and then he'd profess his love and ask for her hand. They would make it. Together.

"Stay safe Will," she whispered. He nodded and took off, running towards the trenches and yelling for everyone to move. She felt hands lift her up and take her away.

Slowly she felt everything getting fuzzier and quieter, until she didn't feel anything at all.


till' we meet again, william schofieldWhere stories live. Discover now