Familiarity (chapter 3)

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Hey guys I'm back! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update, but that was only because of some minor personal reasons, and that next friday i will be leaving to go overseas for over 12 months but I will still be able to do chapter updates, so don't panic


dedication is to (1Dbreanna) and (elleluvs2dance)

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. This is the longest chapter I have writen so far, so to say I'm very sorry for disappearing for a month with no chapter updates.

~there is an authors note at the end~

And now withought further due!....................................whoops sorry...

~Familiarity~ CHAPTER 3


# # # #

I let out a loud sigh, removing my hand from my forehead and sitting up against my pillows making myself comfortable before turning my attention on Casey.

"Hey Casey...?" I say, trailing off to the end.

"Yeah?" She says, frowning in question.

"Um, so when you say that I was in a coma...How long was I uh, out for...?"

# # # #

After I ask Casey my question-that just popped into my head-I realize that I am in actual fact, very curious as to how long I was in a coma for. I mean a coma...That means I could have been out for God knows how long. I've never really known much about coma's but I'm sure glad I'm no longer in that state.

"Well-" Casey says, her voice cracking. She clears her throat, and starts again.
"Well um, you were in a coma for ruffly a Month now. You were admitted into the hospital on the seventh of January...and today is the eight off February, but you woke up yesterday; so that was exactly a month, seeing as it was the seventh..."

Oh. Well I wasn't expecting that. I guess I should have expected something of the sort, but...Well I don't even know what I was expecting. I voice my previous thoughts with a half-hearted "oh..." I guess I really don't have any idea on what else to say.

I mean, what else can you say after finding out about your previous (medical) condition. I sure don't have any idea what so ever. This feels all so overwhelming. Gosh, I expected to wake up in my own bedroom, in my own house, one hundred percent healthy...and then this. I've woken up in a hospital; for some unknown reason; finding out I've been in a coma and no idea of what the state of my health is anymore or what happened to put me in a that coma.

Casey places her hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner and gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, sweetie."
"And don't worry, because I know it's all a big thing to take and accept at the moment... But I can assure you, that you will be fine" she continued with her reassuring smile I've-just so happened-become accustomed too.

I let out a breath of relief. Oh my gosh. Well at least I know one good thing that's come out from this bad thing...right?

"It's ok, sweetie...don't worry, because everything's going to be fine. Ok?"
In the silent background I hear a tune. A phone ringing. It must be Casey's. My previous suspicions are confirmed when she pulls the phone out from her pocket, checking the caller ID.

"I've got to go and answer this. It's reception. If anythings wrong just press the red help button-" Casey points to a spot on the wall above my head "-just there. Ok? I'll be back soon to come and check up on you"
I nod smiling "ok, sure. Thanks Casey"

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