Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: Miraculous Ladybug does not belong to me, nor do the characters except for OCs and plot. I don't own you either.

Thank you for all your support! Enjoy! This is not edited.

"You told me they were going to be safe here, André!" 

"Rina, dear please, you're causing a scene." 

"Absolutely not!"

"Dear sister, please. Let's talk about this at a time. She has woken up not too long ago. Sir Hill is taken the liberty to make sure she's eating and taking care of her." 

As the group of teens entered, Le Grand Paris, witnessing the mayor get chewed out by his sibling as her husband had both of his arms under her armpits, pulling her back. Her finger pointed at her brother as she kept yelling. Gaining attention from the guests and staff around them. 

"Sir Hill...?" Marinette thought aloud as she looked at Alya who simply shrugged her shoulders. 

Out of all the chaos playing out. Brielle and Rutie had walked over to the group. Brielle had her green hair in a ponytail as she dressed in an oversized pastel purple tee and white leggings with white sneakers to finish her look. Rutie was dressed in a white tee, dark purple joggers and white sneakers to finish his look. His dark raven hair was still messy but styled in the popular hockey flow hairstyle. 

"Heya boys and girls!" Brielle greeted happily.

You could tell the two of them hadn't slept correctly in a while due to the dark circles they had both tried to cover up with contour.

Felix simply walked past the group to the attendant whom he spoke to briefly before heading to the elevator. 

The rest of the group were a little angry at the elder Agreste but Brielle waved that off, having the group follow her. 

"We'll just take the stairs to the second floor and take the executive elevator." Rutie yawns as he speaks starting to walk off with Brielle following in tow. They all looked at each other before following the band members. 
Luka's grip tightened around the bouquet he held as he felt a sick emotion swirl in the pit of his stomach. Sure he was angry but he was also anxious after seeing Felix bring 100 roses rather than a simple two dozen from what his sister was also helping him carry. 

Juleka noticed her brother's face as she gave him a knowing elbow as he just gave her a strained smile, continuing forward. 

Gabriel watched the group of teens leaves before walking over to the famous couple and the mayor. Giving a smile he patted Jacob's shoulder, who was holding his wife who just started to give up in trying to hurt her brother. 

Jacob looked up from his wife to meet a familiar friend. 

"Gabriel?! My friend, it has been so long! Rina, this is my good old friend, Gabriel Agreste!" Jacob spoke to his wife calmly but had an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Rina wipes her under eyes as she looked up at the unfamiliar man. 

Gabriel gave a quick handshake to the woman as Jacob had given him a quick hug. 

"It's a pleasure. I do apologize that you had to see me like this." Rina says with a sigh but still glaring daggers at her brother who simply ran and made several phone calls upon his sibling's wish. 

"It's no problem, I would be devastated knowing my sons were in such conditions." 

"Sons? It has been forever since we've last spoken Gab. I wasn't aware that you had children. I was aware of your wife passing but I'm glad you have company through dark times, dear friend." Jacob gave him a warm smile. Something that he was infamous for as Gabriel also returned his smile. 

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