That Much is Certain

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(The sun sets on a deserted planet. The fauna of this world are peeking their heads out from their dens, for there is a sight very curious up on the hill. Laying meters away from the mysterious contraption that crash landed here weeks ago, are two humanoid figures unlike anything they've ever seen. The two lay in the grass, looking up at the shifting hues in the sky as if it were more than a blanket that draped over this world. As if they were recalling many adventures far from here.)

EENOX: If you could tell your past self anything. What would you say?

GREYSON: Pfft, nothing. I've seen Back to
the Future one, two AND three. I don't fuck with that time travel shit.

EENOX: ...

(Eenox shifted in his place and frowned. Partly because he didn't understand what Greyson was referring to and partly because he wanted a different answer.)


GREYSON: Nah, I'm just messing...

GREYSON: I dont know... I think I'd tell him to not be so hard on himself I guess...And to always remember who his family is.

(The two take a moment to take in what was said. The smile on Eenox's face returns)

EENOX: Yeah... I think I like that.


EENOX: Oh yeah. Cause like... no matter how much you screw up, and no matter how irredeemable you think you are. Your family— your true family will still take you back. And they'll always still love you, even if they're upset with you. They'll always still love you. That much is certain.

(Eenox pauses to think over his words for a bit, then continues.)

EENOX: And the thing about family is that, it doesn't have to be about blood, No. You can find family anywhere. And it doesn't matter how different you are, all that matters is each other, cause that's all you got. All we have is each other and the connections we make along the way.

(The two lay there in silence, unsure of what to say next. Eenox thinks over his words once again)

GREYSON: You ok?

EENOX: ... I have to tell you something.


EENOX: It's just that... we've been together for so long and I just.. I just... thought you should know that... I... uh...

(Greyson's eyes light up, but then his expression turns sour and he sighs as what's been bothering his mind meets the surface.)

GREYSON: Wait...

EENOX: What?

GREYSON: ...This doesn't feel right.

EENOX: What... doesn't?

GREYSON: I... I know what your thinking. and—

EENOX: You do?

GREYSON: —and I really love the thought of it but I can't— we can't do this if I just leave this behind again

EENOX: I... don't follow?

GREYSON: I need to get back to Earth.

GREYSON: — not for good. I just... Eenox. I hurt... so many people and I... I need to make it right. Before we can do this.

(Eenox takes a second, then realizes the two are talking about two completley different things, he's relieved for a moment, then disappointed. He frowns, then plays along)

EENOX: I understand.

GREYSON: You do?

(The weight of what Eenox was about to say, sinks heavier in his chest. It's hard to speak, his response comes out almost as a whisper)


(Greyson squeezes his hand, Eenox feels a hot wash of shame run over him)

GREYSON: Thank you.

EENOX: Of course...

EENOX: We're family... right?

Ah ha ha Yuh Yeet igWhere stories live. Discover now