"It's not. She said their ancestors' fur has a silver sheen like ice, not starlight."

Yellowflower curled her tail in curiosity, and meowed eagerly, "I must talk to her about them." She turned to Goldheart. "Do you think her ancestors would come to us in a dream?"

"I don't think so. Anyway, why would her ancestors send her here? What do they care about the Clans?" Goldheart shook his head and turned back to his herbs.

"The Tribe's ancestors sent Echoheart a sign; a pair of eyes," Whispersong meowed. "I don't know why, but Star is somehow involved in this if her ancestors are sending signs to us Clan cats about StarClan's prophecy."

Bumblefrost spoke up for the first time. "Star also had dreams about the bear, like Whispersong and Echoheart did."

"Really?" Yellowflower exclaimed.

"Bear?" Goldheart echoed.

"It's the name of the creature StarClan prophesized," Whispersong murmured, shivering.

Goldheart blinked. "Did you have any more dreams? Like you told us before you left?"

Whispersong shook her head. "I wish I'd have another dream. We don't know anything more than the name of the creature and vaguely about Star's destiny here. It's so hard."

"I had a dream," Goldheart murmured, as if to himself. A shadow seemed to cross his eyes, and he stiffened as if in a trance. "Darkness coming. All darkness."

Yellowflower looked at her mentor in shock. "When did you have this dream?"

"At... at the Moonfall."

Whispersong sat still as stone. StarClan was warning Goldheart of a coming darkness? Could the danger already be on its way? Whispersong shuddered, then she turned and looked at Bumblefrost. His eyes had darkened, as if he was thinking the same thing as her.

Yellowflower noticed their looks. "Do you think it's the danger you're dreaming about, Goldheart? The bear that Echoheart told us about?"

"We'll just have to see... maybe StarClan will... oh, I don't know." Goldheart shook his orange tabby head dismissively, and the shadow over his eyes was gone. "Okay, let's get you two checked."

Whispersong stepped forward as Yellowflower looked her over. "You sure seem to have gained a lot more muscle," Yellowflower meowed. "A few cuts and bruises, but I think you're fine."

"Yes, you seem in good condition as well, Bumblefrost," Goldheart muttered.

"Why did Eveningstar even send you two in here? You're both fine," Yellowflower meowed.

"I think he wanted to make sure we were ready to get back to warrior duties, since we've been without medicine cat knowledge for a while."

Yellowflower blinked and flicked her tail. "You're fine."

Goldheart was barely paying attention anymore. He was staring at the den wall again. His orange eyes were distant and foggy, as if he saw something Whispersong didn't.

"You're both good to go," Yellowflower murmured distractedly, staring at her mentor in concern.

Whispersong dipped her head, still watching Goldheart, and motioned for Bumblefrost to follow her. They exited the stone den side by side and headed for the clearing.

"What was with Goldheart?" Bumblefrost whispered. "He was acting like he was seeing something; hallucinating. Or is he just getting old?"

"He's not that old," Whispersong murmured. "Maybe he was thinking about that dream of his. About the darkness. But he does seem to be acting differently than before we left for the mountains."

Looming DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora