Memory loss

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A/N- in this story, Lucille dies quite a bit before the apocalypse just because it fits better with the story line.
y/n/n = your nickname

Summary- everything about Negan is familiar and he knows you but you have no idea who he is.

I knew there would be consequences. We all did. But nobody expected it to be this bad. I know Rick didn't by the devastated, fearful look on his face. I was on my knees between Michonne and Daryl as we waited for the boss man to show his face. "Alright, we got a full boat. Let's meet the man." The moustached man says as he knocks on the RV door.

A man in a leather jacket steps out, "Pissin' our pants yet?" His voice breaks the silence, "Boy do I have a feelin' we're getting close." He steps into the light and it's like I'm getting déjà vu, but I can't figure out why. When he tells us his name I expected something to click, but it didn't and I still don't know where I've seen this mans face before. As he gives his weird little speech about wanting half of our shit I try to figure out why I think he looks so damn familiar. He starts to walk up and down the line casually swinging the baseball bat so I try to push the nagging feeling to one side and ignore it.

He walks towards Abraham and stops in front of him. Abe lifted his head up to stare directly at Negan, who looked slightly taken aback by the red heads courage.

A small hum made its way passed his lips as he walked closer to me. His dark eyes were fixated onto mine and I couldn't bring myself to look away, like something was stopping me. He slowly got closer until he was right in front of me and he knelt down with a big smirk plastered across his face.

It was like he was waiting for something as he raised one of his eyebrows and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I didn't know what he wanted me to do and his face turned more into confusion and irritation the longer I just stared at him. He leaned in closer for a second before standing up, and I let out a sigh of relief. He stared down at me for another second until deciding to finally speak up. "Either you're purposely tryna piss me off or you really don't fuckin' remember me, Y/N." His smirk gets bigger as my eyes widen, I do know him. Or at least I used to. But I don't know how, or when, or why, and it's starting to piss me off.

"Well, gotta say darlin', I'm kind of disappointed that you don't remember. Were our conversations really that boring?" He asked and this time I managed to shake my head "I- I'm sorry- I don't know wha-what you're talking about." I stuttered in confusion.
"Well shit, looks like I'm just gonna have to fucking remind you then doll." He winked before nodding towards one of his men that stood behind me. I then felt a pair of arms grab me from behind and lift me up, they dragged me past Daryl, Rosita and Glenn. They pushed me into the front of a black car and slammed the door after giving me a stern glare.

I twisted my body round just in time to see Negan stop in front of someone and swing the bat down onto their head but I couldn't make out who the victim was because of the trees and people in the way. I soon guessed it was Abraham from where abouts Negan stood.

My eyes watered at the thought of Abraham being beaten to death, but I knew better than to cry. Me and Abraham were quite close, I suppose it was because we used the same colourful language. In fact, when we first met he acted like an asshole, so I told him I'd cut his dick off and glue it to his forehead so he'd look like a limp-dick unicorn. He found it pretty funny and since then we've been good friends.

I wasn't sure what happened after, other than Negan leaving in an Rv after killing someone else. I was too busy thinking about how much I'm gonna miss that ginger dickhead. I wiped away the stray tear that had managed to roll down my cheek before looking back at the group again. I still couldn't see much but I did notice that the RV wasn't back yet and that I couldn't see the top of Ricks head anymore. My guess was that Negan had taken Rick somewhere to try and persuade him to follow his stupid ass rules.

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