25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy

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Oh sheet! Date. Date. Tonight!

I hadn't seen Dustin all day since he had some appointment to attend to. It would be great if he messaged me for a reminder? I suck at the whole "remembering" façade. I didn't even know how to do my make-up, or hair! Let alone, figuring out my dress. I sighed picking up my phone and scrolling through contacts. Brooklyn? I love her but she would definitely turn me into an unforgettable looking hoe. Alexis? Ryan is kind of reserving her and bagsing her at the moment.

"Pssh baby girl?"

"Mm?" I slightly turned to Jace.

"You realize attacking your phone won't help you get ready tonight" He smirked leaning over. He knows me a little too well, it's like he can read my thoughts? Damn you Jace.

"Hm... well I need someone to help me get ready", I dramatically sighed pointing at my phone like it's so obvious.

"Mhm, and who has helped you get ready for any sort of function since... let's see... 4?" I glared at his good point and my undeniably wrong one.

"Yeah but hello!? I'm a woman now, I mean look at this body" I gestured down to my sitting self. "And the usual clothing of your T shirts won't help this time."

Jace shook his head smiling, making those perfect dimples appear. Sometimes I just want to poke it, and kiss it, and just poke it again. "You have no other choice though, do you?"

"Pssh...Uh, I do! It's called girl friends!"

"Right... and have you found one to help you?"

"No but-"

"Exactly! Ha!" Jace grins packing his stuff away. "Come on babygirl, I'm going to like totally give you a makeover!"

I snorted a laugh at my anomalous best friend. Taking his arm he offered and hooked mine through his. We walked through the halls steadily fast, because after all, quoting Jace. 'We only got 4 hours to get ready, little little time!'

Seriously makes me wonder how such an amazing guy like Jace, be also the bad boy of the school. He's smart... ass, charming, charismatic, but why waste it on sex?

"Jaace! Bro! hey man" I look up to see one of our best friend's Chandler handshake Jace. I always found their handshakes cool. "Hey little one" He grins ruffling my hair and picking me up with a hug. I chuckled punching his shoulder getting back down. "Sup tall one"

And just like that, I heard all Jace's friends, and mine of course, race down after their camping trip, tackling each other to get to us first. "SKYE!"


"BRO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, SHE'S MINE!" STOP-" and just like that the three duppleheads, trip over and groan in harmony. Chandler side hugs me possessively tight as him and Jace laugh at them.

"Look school boys, Skye is mine! I win" Chandler winks at them as they all grumble getting up and walking towards us. "Oh you wish CD! Hahaha" Called him that since 12, best nickname ever.

"Skye has never been yours but mine! Hey beautiful" Sammy smiles brightly, grabbing my waist and pulling me up in a gigantic hug. I couldn't lie, his muscles got bigger over the past few months with him gone. Felt great. I smiled widely at him and hugged back. "See that Chandler, she hugged me back heaps tight"

Jayden came out with a huge mischievous grin on his face; he's always been the naughty one. That's why it was so easy to be on his side when it came to games.

"How's my shawty going?"

"Not bad Jayjay" I smirk, doing our secret handshake that entailed a lot of fist hitting and clicks.

Call Me Dirty MindedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora