Chapter 16: You're Weird

Start from the beginning

You placed your phone on the counter as you took out your purse and payed. When you stepped outside it was fucking POURING.

"I'm going to die..." you face palmed bracing yourself for the foul weather.

Literally seconds after you started your journey home you were soaking wet. Your hair was mop-like and tangled and somehow your shoes were drenched through to your socks.

You neared the apartment and dove your now numb hands into your pocket to get the keys before realising you'd left them inside.


You banged on the door a few times



No answer

'That fucktard must have his headphones in -_-'

You then went to call him but your phone wasn't there.

"What the fuck?!"

You spent the next few minutes patting yourself down in the heavy rain until it struck you.

'I left it in the fucking shop'


You felt your heart drop as the loud prang of thunder echoed through you.

You decided that if you were gonna go back for the phone you might as well run. So there you went, dashing down the street back to the shop.

A few cars passed you and you could see the passengers staring at you with either pity in their eyes or confusion, as if they were looking at a psychopath.

Finally you reached the shop where the owner was standing with your phone in hand.

"Oh hello again miss, you left your phone here. I was just about to put it somewhere safe."

"Oh my god thank you so much" you bowed taking back your phone.

"Goodbye!" You waved as you left again, back into the rain.

You took off in a sprint using your quirk to boost you further but you slipped on a rock and fell flat out on your face.

"AAAAGGHGHH!...ouch..." you groaned rubbing your back as you sat up.

'I'm already wet I might as well just accept my fate and walk home'

You sighed to yourself as you picked yourself up and trudged on.



"Yo dork where are you?"

"Open the fucking door now" you hissed before hanging up on him.

You couldn't hear your own thoughts over the sound of the rain.


Katsuki opened the door with a shocked expression as he saw you.

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