"Oh, you should have seen it, that old planet!"

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 I live for the day when the Doctor will see me. On the surface it seems he has learned to live with the loss of his people but then it will just suddenly hit the Doctor and the desperation and grief will rear its ugly head. The Doctor’s planet is lost and yet this feeling will not go away, something has happened and I know for certain now that the TARDIS is keeping something from me but she has always had my best interests at heart. Though I must admit I’m finding it increasingly hard to keep my faith that I will be with the Doctor one day but no… I trust the TARDIS with my life, I owe her my existence. I know my time will come. But first I would have to watch the Doctor’s heart’s break. 

 I had a feeling we would meet Donna Noble again and one day from out of nowhere it was the Doctor and Donna, the chances of them meeting again were remote bordering on zero but wow what a team. The temp from Chiswick had finally caught up with her Time Lord. Donna was another brilliant companion who wasn’t afraid to tell the Doctor off, metaphorically she gave him a good kick up the arse (and sometimes physically!) But Donna had grown into a compassionate, thoughtful and brave young woman, sometimes a bit “gobby” and recklessly impulsive but so different from the selfish and superficial girl I watched on that crazy Christmas day with the Racnoss. And it looked like the Doctor had come along at the right time for it was plain to see Donna was going nowhere, tired of dreaming her life away even if it was with her kind hearted stargazing gramps, while her mother’s patience was wearing thin, the disappointment in her unemployed and unmarried daughter plain to see, which I thought was rather sad. So the Doctor and Donna were just meant to be, they complimented each other so well, Donna kept the Doctor’s ego in check and I honestly believe he made Donna a better person. Though at long last this version of the Doctor had actually found a friend, someone who wanted to travel the Universe with no complications but of course the Doctor and Donna cared about each other deeply, would risk their lives for each other, so it was love but back to the platonic kind. Not only could Donna stop the Doctor, she could change his mind too, who else could have persuaded him to go back and rescue a family from Pompeii? I don’t think I had ever heard a companion make such a heartfelt and compassionate plea in all my time on board. Donna even made the Doctor take responsibility for his “generated anomaly“ daughter created from a tissue sample of his DNA, Donna made the Doctor accept he had a child, so in the space of a few, short hours the Doctor learned to love Jenny, only for her to be cruelly taken away from him. So the Doctor and Donna’s time went by in a glorious blaze from saving the Earth from choking to death on Sontaran’s poisonous gases and helping Agatha Christie solve murders committed by a very confused giant alien wasp known as a Vespiform (yes really) I wish I could have been there with them, I don’t think the Doctor laughed so much as when he was with Donna Noble. And Donna wanted to stay with the Doctor forever, so here I was, the girl who had waited all her life to be with the Doctor and who had watched so many companions come and go, the same story playing out, time after time. But do you know what? I wanted Donna to stay with the Doctor forever and I actually believed it was possible…Call it intuition but more than any other companion the Doctor and Donna needed to be together, even at the beginning of their travels the Ood had foreseen something important about the Doctor and Donna and it turns out it was a good day for planet Earth the day they had found each other again because the continuing existence of the Universe (and multiple ones) would rest on the Doctor and his companion.

  All my life the TARDIS has protected me but gradually over time she has come under threat more and more, many have tried to take her and use this powerful, unique and last surviving Gallifreyan time machine as a weapon or they have tried to destroy her. And one day I thought it was over, that the TARDIS and I were going to die. There was no sign of the Doctor and all around me there were flames, I ran for my life, instinctively heading for the control room even though the TARDIS told me to stay in my room. I could feel her dying, the very foundations of my TARDIS starting to break up and dissolve around me. But then suddenly the tremendous shaking stopped and I was back in my room as if I had dreamt it but I knew it had happened. The TARDIS was safe again as I heard the engines humming calmly around me but something terrible had happened and it was still happening around me but of course I would not know how this dark day would end until after everyone else…

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