2. Care For It

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Your eyes slowly blink open to the sight of a new room. Nothing like the Care Unit room.

Moving still feels odd and painful so you have to depend on your eyes alone to figure out where you're at.

It's a dark room. All black and grey. You're laying on a black comforted bed. This is way more comfortable than the bed they had you on.

A door slides open and closes behind you. You slowly roll over to see Kylo. "Where am I?"

"My spare room. I thought you'd like this more than the bright medical space they had you in." You feel his stare burn through you skull. His mask was so intimidating.

"Thank you. It's very nice." A pause rests in between your next words. "Why did you save me? I serve no purpose to you." You need to know why this all happened.

"You wanted help. I couldn't leave you there like that. Once again I'm NOT a monster." He seems mad. Not at you though. Mad at someone else.

"I don't think you are. I'm very grateful. It means a lot. And... do you ever take that helmet off? I'm sorry for my curiosity." You hold your breath in hopes that your question doesn't anger him. 

"Yes. Not much. Why do you need to know?" He knows you want to see him.

"I don't know. I'm just very intrigued by you." Quietly, you force your next question out. "Do you think you'll ever show me?" 

"I'm afraid that won't be happening. I don't know what your intentions are here." His answer seems very direct and certain, but you see right through it. 

"I have no ill intentions, but I understand your hesitation." You can see the relaxation through his body as you say this. 

"Well, I have to get going. Don't try to leave this room." 

You nod in agreement to please him before speaking up. "I'm sorry for how people speak of you." He's frozen in his place as he's unsure of what to say. "You saved me. I know there's more good in you than people believe." 

He turns to the door and pauses before finally exiting. "Thank you." The door shuts behind him after his quick words.

You have to see his face now. You already know what he's hiding.

Leave Me To Die • (Kylo Ren x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant