We all know that Natsu was the first Fairytail dragonslayer.
But what that wasn't true...
What if he had a elder brother.
A brother who he thought disappeared when he was out training with his dad Igneel.
This is the story of Kasai Dragneel, when...
After cooling off, Kasai returned back to his guildmates. He could only stare down at the arena as Yukino along with the rest female wizards of the other guilds wore bikinis. (Yukino wearing a white two piece)
".... What's going on here?" He asked looking back at his fellow male wizards.
"Well you see, my prince," Rufus started as the others were still frightened by his early outburst especially the light dragonslayer. "The judges decided to make both Blue Pegasus' and Fairytail's Jenny Realight and Mirajane Strauss to have a beauty pageant to declare the winner, and than the other female wizards of the other guilds decided to join in..."
Kasai leaned on the railing, "Still, Aguria wouldn't lower herself to play along in this charade." He stated watching as his partner nervously rubbed her arm at all the attention she was getting.
"Master Jiemma demanded that she go down there."
".... I see."
Shadows covered Kasai's face hiding his expression from the others making them slowly inch away from the dragonslayer.
"Another change!! Wedding dresses!! Now boys pick a bride and talk the night away!!"
Spying his chance to save his partner, Kasai jumped over the railing and immediately his clothes burst into flames and changed into
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(And remember he wearing a illusion over himself to hide his looks.)
Kasai dusted himself off and headed straight towards Yukino.
When he was intercepted do by....
(Bet you guys didn't see that coming! Or you did?)
"Your highness~" he greeted back snidely before he offered his hand.
Kasai looked up towards his partner and saw she had paired up with Sting. He looked back at Laxus, knowing he couldn't escape from his former friend and his questions before he sighed softly in defeat and took the offered hand.
"What do you want Laxus?"
"Answers," he bluntly stated as we stood next to each, Kasai sneaked a peak at Jiemma up in the stands and saw him watching our interaction closely. Maneuvering himself so that he was hiding his face from view.
"I can't really say anything right now."
Laxus looked at him with stoic face, "Your afraid." He stated rather bluntly to his friend's face as he looked over the pinkett's shoulder at Jiemma.
"Not for me..."
"For us then." He said like it was a known fact, Kasai simply looked around to see that yes, most of Fairytail was starting to notice our interaction. Along with the supporting guild who were all looking over with curiosity. It didn't help matters that Natsu was becoming more curious for his own good and started to pester Ezra who finally became tired of his pestering and grabbed him by his shirt, bringing the Fire Mage close to her face.
"Natsu, stop it! We all want to know who that man is, but this is not the way to find out. Now sit down before I have to knock you out!" she commanded sharply but low enough for others not to hear, giving the pink haired boy a harsh glare. He flinched, sighing.
"Sorry... I just... he smells so familiar," he muttered. She sighed, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"We'll discuss it later."
Kasai sighed in relief that his brother gave in before focusing back on his own guild and saw that Rogue, Rufus, and Orga were currently being escorted by some other, lesser-known members of the guild. He stood besides Laxus in silence, before a the Lamia Scale Master decided to join in on the fun.
Laxus groaned in disgust while Kasai was trying to get the image out of his head. Before turning slightly back to Laxus, "I can't explain it here, but I'll try to find you later today. Alright?"
"Whatever gets me my answer pinkie." Laxus said lowly before we both started walking back to our own guilds.
As everyone left the arena, Yukino came over to her partner,
"Are you alright?"
Kasai looked down at her with a reassuring smile, "Just some friendly competition is all. Don't worry Yukino. I can handle the lighting dragonslayer." She smiled back at him before both of them looked back at the arena, where both competitors transformed back into their normal attire.
The judges yelled into the mic as they announced the last and final form: Battle Form.
A mysterious smile spread across Jenny's face as she smirked darkly, a pink aura surrounding her. The aura cleared to reveal her combat form.
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"Do you really think you can handle my Combat Form?" she sneered. Mirajane hummed, a purple aura surrounding her
"Yeah, I'm not too worried," came her reply. Sapphire raised a brow as Mirajane transformed into her Sitri Satan Soul form, what she claimed to be her 'strongest form.
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Kasai raised his eyebrows skeptically, the last time he had seen that form, his lil sister was afraid to even use as she lost control over it. Though it had been years since he had last saw her, so of course she had mastered it already.
"Seems like Mirajane hasn't gained any more Satan Souls since X784? If my math is correct anyway." muttered the mage under his breath. Sting and Rogue looked over at him suspiciously, wondering if they had heard right. They shook their heads as they watched Mirajane lunge forward- with unimaginable speed-and defeated the girl.
The girl sighed as Jenny wailed, rolling her eyes. The girl knew that she wanted to; she modelled her career after Mirajane. The said girl smirked, placing a hand up in victory.
Kasai looked at his sister with pride at her victory. Yukino took a glance at her partner happy to see some emotion finally showing on his face once again.