Chapter Three: The Entrance Exam

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After his encounter with Erasurehead, Dave became very paranoid. Instead of recklessly jumping around each building, he decided that it was safer for him to keep low in the allyways, but there was a problem. Each corner and wall was covered with cameras, and as a low profiled vigilante, Dave had to travel in a very obscure path until he managed to even get close to his destination. He could only hope that he didn't slip and let a single camera see him.

Each direction was like a maze, narrowing and widening into different loops. Lucky for him though, he knew the allyways like the back of his hand. He twisted and turned through corners, letting his instinct guide him.

In very little time, he was there. Dave took of his outfit and hid it all at the very bottom of his bag. He approached the massive gates and through it were was a big building.

He was at U.A High school for Heroics.

He was at the school of his dreams.


Zak Carder stared at the big building in front of him. He couldn't help but feel nervous, he was at his dream school afterall. His friend, Darryl, had texted him earlier in the morning, telling him that he'd be early and had suggested that he should go with him. Unlike Darryl, Zak was not in any way an early bird person so by the time he had seen the text, Darryl was already on the train while he sat lazily in bed.

Zak looked up the stairs, half impressed and half annoyed at how far up it went. Each step he took was cautious and slow, he didn't want to be humiliated on the first day by falling a flight of stairs would he? He got closer and closer to the top and that's when he heard a familiar voice.

"Zak, hi!!" Zak looked up to see who it was.

"Oh, hey, Darryl," he said, "What's up?"

Darryl puffed up his face and pouted, "You, muffin! You know how long I waited for you at the bus stop?"

"I'm sorry, okay?" Zak apologized, "I just overslept, that's all, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?!" Darryl said a little louder, "We're going to U.A to have a exam and it's not a big deal!?"

Zak opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a small rock on the stairs. Before he knew it, he was falling.

'That's it, this is how I die'

But before he hit the ground a singular hand grabbed him from the collar and lifted him up to a steady posture. Zak stared at his savior as he slowing walked away from him after saving him.

"Oh, my Muffin!" Darryl said, relieved that the random boy saved him, "Gee, look where you are going next time, if weren't for that boy, you'd be a goner!"

'Yeah, I'd be goner alright, I'll make sure to thank that pink haired dude.'


The written exam was easy, well that's what Dave thought about it. He looked at his answers and a scanned thoroughly through he work, adding or modifying his answers. He looked at the clock at the front if the room and realized he had finished early, really early (about 25 minutes left). Other students glared intensively into their work, scribling their answers with a tight grip.

He stood up and made his way to the front, where a hero sat peacefully at his desk.

"Uhh, umm, sir?" Dave said, "I've finished the written exam, sir."

The hero eyed him for a minute before grabbing the sheet of paper in his hand. He looked through and was impressed.

"Go down the hallway or the cafeteria and wait there, it shouldn't take long until the exam finishes, " the hero had said as he marked through his work.

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