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Your X-wing landed on the platform at the resistance base. You climbed out as quickly as possible, ignoring the burning pain in your shoulder.

"Come on R2!" You shouted to the little astromech droid.

R2D2 beeped a couple of times at you, causing you to pause. His beeping was slowly dying down, and he was frozen in place.

"R2?" You called to him, kneeling in front of him. "Don't do this to me buddy. I can't lose you too!"

Tears formed in your eyes as the droid continued to power down.

"Y/n," he seemed to say, "it'll be alright."

And with that, he powered down. You rested your head against him, tears spilling down your cheeks. This had already been a rough day, and you just hoped that it wouldn't get worse. But of course that would have to be too much to ask.
Once you had pulled yourself together some, you reminded yourself why you had come. You needed to find Leia. You took a deep breath and then stood up, knowing you'd have to make sure someone got R2 somewhere safe. The moment you stood up though, a wave of dizziness hit you. You tried to stay on your feet, but couldn't. You dropped to your knees for a moment, taking deep breaths. You again tried to stand but the world tipped too much and you collided with the ground.
The burning in your shoulder became more inflamed and all the sounds around you became muffled. You were certain that you heard someone shouting, asking if you were hurt. And eventually, a blurry figure came into your line of sight.

"Are you okay?"

You couldn't hear what the man was saying, but you were able to read his lips. He looked at your shoulder and his expression told you that the burn on your shoulder was not good.

"Oh my god." He said and then shouted to someone close by. He then looked back at you, "Don't worry, you're gonna be okay."

And that was the last thing you remember before blacking out.


When you woke up, you heard the faint sound of life. Voices from both people and droids filled your ears. You opened your eyes and found your self in the medbay. You shouldn't have been surprised though because the last thing that happened was you passing out. But you still shot upright, nearly causing the medical droid to fall over. A shooting pain pierced through your shoulder.

"Y/n, you're alright." You turned your head to see Leia Organa sitting by your bed. "Calm down."

You took a few deep breaths and then nodded. You rubbed your forehead with your hand.

"How did I get here?" You asked.

"One of our pilots, Poe Dameron, called the medics. They took you here."

"Well then I am very grateful for this Poe Dameron."

Leia smiled and nodded. The smile faded quickly though as if she remembered something. You looked down at your hands, knowing exactly what she was going to ask.

"Y/n..." she began. "I'm sure I already know the answer to this question, but I need to know. What happened?"

You made eye contact with her and forced back the tears that were already starting to form.

"I don't remember much. happened last night. The force sent a warning to me, waking me up. When I walked out, everything was fine. Until Ben's hut collapsed. He came out and told me that Luke - that my father had attacked him. Ben..." You began to tear up, and looked away from Leia. "I'm sorry, Aunt Leia!" You sobbed. "Ben's gone, my father is gone!"

Leia was quiet a moment. She had her eyes closed as she processed the information. She then looked back at you.

"Did Ben...did he do that to you?"

You slowly nodded, "He told me to join him. When I said no, he fought me. He could've killed me Aunt Leia. He could have but he didn't. He left me with this though. I didn't want to fight him. I'm sorry."

Leia took your hand in hers, "None of this is your fault, y/n." She assured you. "And I promise, we will bring Ben and Luke back home."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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