She closed her eyes for a moment and became silent.

"I haven't been doing good at all. To be honest." This time she started crying while saying this. "It's been so fucking hard. My emotions were such a mess. I locked myself up with Victoria, Tayla and Njomza in this studio and we got shitfaced on champagne for a year, putting tracks out after tracks. Music was literally the only thing in my life that still meant something to me."

I looked around the studio and she wasn't kidding. There were a lot of empty champagne glasses on the floor with a few glasses sitting on equipment around the room. She looked exhausted too as I had noticed earlier. Dominique was not joking. Ariana had suffered, maybe even more than me.

"You should have texted me." I said, knowing full well what she was going to answer.

"You hate my guts. Besides, you are with Courtney and she would have definitely not appreciated me texting you." I heard the pain that last sentence.

I stayed silent.

"Yeah, I hated you." I paused. Thinking this was the end of the sentence, I saw Ariana's lips trembling and a tear threatening to fall down her cheek, ready to cry more. I scooted the chair closer to her, leaned in and reached out to take her hands in mine. I had forgotten how soft her skin was. The warmth radiating from her touch was just so hard to ignore. My heartbeat started to accelerate a little bit. "But I still care for you. I'm a stubborn bitch, but eventually I would have brushed my anger asides and be there for you, Courtney or no Courtney."

She laughed at my stubborn bitch part and I smiled at seeing her smile again.

"Thank you." She softly spoke out looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Actually, I'm the one that needs to thank you." She raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"Dominique told me what you did for my mom, about the payment and also keeping her company." I said letting go of her hands and leaned back into the ugly pink chair.

She smiled. God that smile.

"I love spending time with your mom. She's such a sweetheart." She picked up her phone and scrolled through it. When she found what she was looking for, she flipped her phone around showing me a selfie they had both taken together with one of these filters.

"I also have a lot of funny stories about you." She said laughing as she put the phone down, looking straight at me.

"Please tell me it's not the Disneyland story." I said, hiding my face in my hands, while shaking my head, in embarrassment .

"I didn't take you for a Disneyland enthusiast." She said laughing at my reaction. "Especially not to the point of losing your parents in the park because you were too busy following Donald Duck around the park." She laughed more as she was talking.

"What can I say, he made rare appearances in the park back then. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity." I said throwing my hands up in defence. "The worst is having your name called out through the intercom, and when they describe what I was wearing."

"Trust you to have a Goofy costume on with a matching hat." She added, laughing even more.

"Everyone knew who I was after that, while I was walking around the park. It was a different kind of walk of shame." I said laughing this time and Ariana joined in.

We laughed a few more moments and as it died down we both looked at each other, smiling. It was actually nice to be able to talk to her again and laugh.

"Want to hear something funny?" I asked, she nodded, still smiling.

"My mom called Courtney 'Ariana'" I started laughing. Ariana held her hand over her mouth, shocked but quickly started laughing as well.

"Yikes." She just said, amused but a bit concerned.

"That's what I said. So did Dominique."

"What did Courtney say?" She asked, wanting to hear more about it.

"Well nothing on the spot. But I got shit for it when we were in the car. She asked me how did my mom know you."

"What did you say?" She asked, full on worried now at this point.

"I said that Pete told her about you and that she must have remembered your name from their conversation."

She wasn't saying anything now. I got worried in turn.

"Y/N. I told Courtney everything about us, that we also slept together." 

"You what?!" I exclaimed a bit more louder than I should which caused Tayla to open the door threateningly and poke her head through. Ariana gave her a sign that everything was okay and she closed to the door again.

"Why do you think she doesn't talk to me anymore? I thought you understood when I told you yesterday."

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. It did make sense though as to why Courtney got so upset at the mention of Ariana. I sighed and leaned into the pink plastic chair, throwing my head back, contemplating what I should do.

"I think I really need to confront her about that and also confront her about not being at your concert. I have no idea what is going on." I looked at her, hoping to see some sort of answer in her gaze.

"You really have to. Not that I want to get involved in your relationship but Courtney is hiding something, I can feel it Y/N."


A/N: So I can tell that I've been really bad at updating. I have holidays coming up soon so hopefully I will be better at writing a bit ahead in all the stories so I can post a bit more regularly. :)

Until then, it will take a bit of time in between updates on my 5 different stories. ( I knowwww, "Heavenfaced" will be a priority when that happens as I haven't posted an update on that story in ages - losing inspiration with that story lately not going to lie D: )

Thank you again for reading, commenting (hilarious comments that never fail to make me laugh!), voting and being patient with my sucky irregular updates :D love yaaaa!

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