[October] 7

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He sat down and took out his books and pencils. "So, do you guys have some tasks to do?"

The students nodded and pulled out their papers. Hoseok nodded himself and sat down at his chair.

"Great. Then let's go. If you're done, coke to me and I will give you something else." He pulled out some work too and then looked around again. His eyes almost immediately found Hyungwon, who still hadn't moved an inch.

"Excuse me. Hyungwon? Dont you have something to do?" He directly talked to the boy but still didn't got any response. So he stood up and walked over to the boy. He kneeled down infront of Hyungwon's desk and tried to get any reaction from the boy.

"Hey... Are you alright? Hyungwon?"

Only after he carefully placed his hand on top of the younger's, Hyungwon found his way back to reality. And his eyes widened when he realised who was sitting infront of him. He gasped lightly and pulled away his hand. Hoseok felt a light stitch in his heart by the sudden movement and for one second it was also visible in his face. But then he pulled himself together again and stood up.

"Do you want to go out for a minute?"

The worry was still audible in his voice and when Hyungwon looked up and into Hoseok's, the sadness in the boy's eyes hit Hoseok like a hammer. Hyungwon nodded and carefully stood up from his chair, making his way out of the room.

The rest of the class didn't really witnessed what happened between the two males. Only Kihyun had seen it since he sat next to Hyungwon and he had also seen Hoseok's reaction after Hyungwon had pulled away his hand. And now he watched Hoseok with furrowed brows and a confused yet inspecting look.

Hoseok tried to avoid the gaze of the kid and waited for Hyungwon to come back. He wanted the boy to be okay. But the minutes passed and Hyungwon still didn't came back in. After some time, Hoseok stood up and looked at Kihyun.

"Would you please watch over the class for a minute? I'll check on Hyungwon."

Kihyun nodded but his gaze followed Hoseok until the man closed the door behind himself.

He looked around in the hallway and finally found Hyungwon, sitting on a windowsill, looking out into the rain. Hoseok walked over to him and the boy turned around. Hoseok sat down towards him.

"Are you okay?"

Hyungwon, who had looked out of the window again, now turned his gaze to Hoseok and slowly shook his head. Hoseok leaned closer to him and placed a hand on Hyungwon's hand, which was wrapped around his knees, knowing too well that he crossed a line he shouldn't have crossed.

"What is wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"

The boy looked away again before his look returned to Hoseok's hand on his own and a deep sigh left his lips.

"My mom is sick. I don't know if she will recover or if it just gets worse. She has this flu now since over 3 weeks and even though she got medication it doesn't got any better by now. She is in hospital since a week and still... I'm just worried about her. She's everything I have..."

Hyungwon choked on a low sob. A tear ran down his cheeks and he wiped it away vigorously. He didn't looked at Hoseok because he didn't want to show the older how stirred up he was. Hoseok's grip onto Hyungwon's hand got a little bit stronger and with that he forced the boy to finally look at him. And the teary and sad eyes triggered something in Hoseok.

Without thinking about it he placed his other hand on Hyungwon's cheek and leaned closer to him until their lips were only a few inches apart. He felt Hyungwon's shaky breath on his own lips and closed his eyes before closing the gap.

The feeling of Hyungwon's plump and warm lips against his own was incredible. They were so extremly soft and Hoseok could've drowned in the feeling of them pressed against his own.

He pulled away and looked at the boy. Hyungwon's cheeks were red and his eyes widened in shock. His fingers carefully ran over his lips. Almost like he wanted to capture the feeling with his fingers.

"What... what did you do?"

And only then the older realised what exactly he had done and how big of an mistake it really was. He jumped down from the windowsill and looked at Hyungwon apologising.

"Hyungwon... I-I'm so sorry... I don't know what came over me. God... What have I done?"

The last question was mostly directed to himself and he let his hands run over his face in disbelief and shock. And suddenly the tall boy stood in front of him and cupped his face with his long and slim fingers. And he... smiled. He actually smiled.

"It's okay."

And then he closed the gap again and kissed Hoseok. This time fully. He started to move his lips and Hoseok couldn't do anything besides again drowning in the feeling and return the kiss. Knowing too well that both of them still stood in the middle of the school and that anyone could come out of one of the classrooms almost any second. And also knowing too well that he now definetly went too far.

And yet still he couldn't stop kissing the boy and neither could Hyungwon. Not that he wanted to. It was something he wanted since the beginning of the year and now he finally got it.

After a while Hoseok pulled apart and hold Hyungwon at arm's length.

"Stop it. We can't do this. Not here. We... We need to talk. About this. About us. Come into my office later, okay?" Hyungwon nodded and grinned at the older. Biting his lower lip. Hoseok took a deep breath and straightened his back.

"Good. Then... Let's go back in. You still have some work to do."

With that he turned around and walked back into the room, Hyungwon following him. The boy tried to hide his smile and Hoseok was confused and mad about himself as hell. How could that happened? How could he lost control like that?

I'm so stupid.

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