"I love you."
Those words will never gonna come out of your head. His voice is still stuck in your head. Did he really mean that? Is he gonna protect you from those bad guys and for those who's gonna hurt you?You're confused. So confused. You didn't know what or who to listen and believe to. As you took a sip of coffee, Hyunjin walked towards you from the stairs.
He wears a plain white tshirt and you noticed his freshly wet hair. Damn, why is he so hot? You can't avert your gaze at those plump soft lips. Damn it.
"Hey," he said. Your heart jumped. "H-hi.." you said then look away trying to avoid conversation with him. It's not like you don't want to but it's because you're having this tingling feeling inside your tummy .
"Here.." hyunjin give you a phone. "What's this?" You asked.
"It's for your safety, Y/N. I saved my number here," he said "..call me if you needed anything. I'll be there for you.." he said while looking straight onto your eyes.
"T-thank you.." you mumbled and took the phone. "Where are you going?"
"To the headquarters. I'm going to investigate y-your father.." he muttered with his head hang low. Hyunjin was expecting a reaction from you but you just stayed still.
"Okay.." you pinched his cheeks, "..keep safe."
Even tho Hyunjin is confused, he formed a smile for you. Hyunjin stood up but before he could walk away, you spoke, "promise me you'll be here before it gets dark. I'm scared.."
"I promise."
* * *
"Hyunjin, this is the latest report from the agents.." Chan handed the folder to Hyunjin. They both sat opposite to each other. Hyunjin blows a loud breath while massaging his forehead.
This is hard.
"Damn it," he spoke, "..is he really that hard to catch? It's been ages!" He slammed the folder on the table.
"We're really trying our best here, Hyunjin. We all know that. Hey, I know that you're falling for that girl, don't deny it, all of us knew. But she couldn't be a hindrance for this mission." What Chan just said makes Hyunjin's blood boil. He glared at the leader.
"She's innocent.."
"Yes bu-"
"She knows nothing."
"But Hyunjin!"
"Don't hurt her or even take her away from me. Or else, it's gonna be bloody.." he seriously said without even blinking. Hyunjin just really fell for the girl. This game is gonna be bloody if they try to touch his girl.
Chan heavily sighed and lean on his chair. "I understand. Park So really is the hardheaded here, not us." He put both of his arms on the air. "If you really have a plan, I'll trust you." He said.
Hyunjin gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw. "This is not fair," he started. "I gotta stop Park So about his plan- passing her to Unit 7? Tss, not on my watch." He said while playing with his gun.
"You know Hyunjin, sometimes you're really scary." Chan chucked.
"Yes, leader. Especially it's my girl we're talking about here." He shot a glare.