I Didn't Mean To Hurt You

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Chapter 30

Michelle's P.O.V

"Call me I'll pick you up this time not your dad." My mother says before I get out of the car.

I get in the school building and walk through the crowded corridor till I find Chloe.

"Hey." I say once I reach her. She is standing with two girls  I don't recognize. "There you are. I got your medicine." She says handing it to me and the two girls leave. "Thank you." I say taking it from her and place it in my bag. "Did you make everything alright with Josh last night?" She asks me. "Yes, I was able to fix everything by the help of Zack." I tell her and she smiles. "Zack is really good." She tells me and I remember when I hated him for killing Brad before I realized everything.

"So what do you have for today?" She asks me while we are standing next to the lockers. "I'm going out with my mother." I say looking around for him and the bell rings before I could ask her about what she's doing today.

"I will see you later." She waves her hand and rushes to her class. I give up on looking for him once I realize my first class is with him anyway; therefore, I just rush to class and luckily I'm not late.

I sit in the back as usual but he doesn't appear and I check my phone but there is nothing. Mrs. Watson comes in and starts her class explaining our new math lesson and I epically fail at trying to focus.

The bell finally rings after what seemed like hours and I rush out of class, replace my books from the locker and go to the next class hoping I would just stop thinking about him.


"Hey, back to earth." I hear Chloe's voice once she joins me in the cafeteria. "What are you thinking about?" She asks me sitting.

"Where is everyone?" I ask her after I notice none of them is here. "George and Austin are practicing for their postponed game today that's what I wanted to tell you about earlier. And I don't know about Josh and Zack." She tells me while eating and I nod for her to continue.

"Today we're only taking 5 classes. This means there is only one left." She informs me which makes me smile.

"Are you staying to watch the game with me, there's an after party if they win." She tells me. "Last time it didn't end well." I tell her remembering the day I saw him with Sasha.

"We have English together now." She says looking at her schedule and I nod while eating.


The English class passes like every other class today, distracted and unfocused. "I'll see you later. Have fun." I tell her once we leave the class. "Yeah, you too." She says smiling and we both go our own way.

I dial my mother's number as I walk outside and tell her to pick me up from school. I wait for almost ten minutes before she finally arrives.

"Hey, why are you going home so early?" She asks me once I get in. "There's is a game." I tell her as she starts the car. "You don't want to stay and watch the game?" She asks before driving. "No." I answer her. "Remember today you're going with me." She reminds me and I just nod while looking through the window.


I enter my room, take off everything and put on my pajama. I look at my phone's screen and it reveals his number.

Where are you?  It says.

Home. I answer him.

Why didn't you stay for the game? He asks and I sigh once I read the message.

I have something else. I say texting him.

Okay. He says and I put the phone down before it starts ringing after a few seconds and it's him.

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