"hey, do you guys know why Hyde is going to this interview anyways?" Jackie asked looking up from her magazine. "Kelso is there to get money to take me out, Eric is there because your family is poor, and Fez is there because he wants to fit in with the guys. But why would Hyde work there?"

"He's probably trying to get money for the circle or for some sort of inside protest" Lana shrugged working on an english paper for a kid at school. Lana all of sudden could feel Jackie and Donna'a eyes on her. 

"What she said turning her desk chair to face them. "I think Hyde did it to take you out on fancy dates" Jackie said smiling. "What? Why would he want to take me out on a date?" Lana said blushing.

"You're blushing. Did something happen between he two?" Donna asked

"You guys can't tell anyone" Lana said making both of them pinky promise. "i'm going to tell you, but you aren't allowed to react, comment, or bring this up ever again"

They both nodded. 

"we kissed"

Donna and Jackie both widen their eyes before fixing their faces. 

"So Donna what snacks are going to be at the party"


After Eric told Lana he got the job she called Jackie. AS expected she was crying over Kelso not getting it.

"Think of it this way Jackie now he can spend more time with you" Lana said trying to cheer her up. 

"Thats true"

"And Eric will probably quit soon so I wouldn't worry about it" Lana said knowing her brother wasn't a hard worker.

"Oh my god" Jackie squealed, "I find out why Hyde was at the interview. He told Kelso he wanted to save up so money to take girls on dates. and to buy weed like you said"

Lana felt her face get hot. She felt stupid thinking that Hyde would like just her, she knew Hyde didn't "date", he went from girl to girl. She wasn't special to him. 

"I was right about the weed" Lana said trying to sound unaffected.

Lana talked to Jackie for a few more minutes before calling Donna to see how she's doing.

"Eric is a idiot" Donna snapped into the phone. 

"Well hello to you too", Lana laughed, "What did he do now?"

"He can't come to the party cause he has to work"

"I know the job has crazy long hours"

"All I wanted was to hangout with him and now I can't even do that"

"Don't worry Eric isn't exactly known for finishing what he starts, so he might quit before Saturday." 

"Yeah I guess. So have you heard about Hyde.

"Yeah he wanted to get money for the circle"

"And for dates, are you okay?"

"Donna I'm fine, sure we kissed, but it's still Hyde and he won't change for anyone let alone me" Lana sighed, "I figured this would happen"

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