Never Gonna Give You Up [ Bill Wyman]

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Friday the 13th , 2020.

I was jamming to Never Gonna Give You Up  by Rick Astley down the hall to my locker. I made a huge scene in the hall with my dancing. I'm called the 'groovy voodoo child' of the whole grade. I was at my locker til..

"never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, doo do DOO DOO do do do" I sang.
"good morning" I heard a voice say.
I jump scared myself with my binder in my hand since I was distracted by the music.

"Good morning. Bill is what they call you?"
"Indeed. Bill Wyman but my name is William Perks" he remarked.
"Well good morning Bill."
Bill was a greasy haired boy like me but I'm female haha. He was known as the soft jock. He loved photography, blue collared shirts, and writing. Some similarities.
"Hey I was wondering if youd like to join me and my friends on a movie tonight?"
" what time? I have to go to play
rehearsal tonight"
"Is 6 ok?"
"Sss, ah, I'm not sure. I'll text my parents but at the moment I'm not sure."
"Oh. Ok.. Well if you decide, let me know. I'll be waiting. I'll always be on your side as tears go b-"
"Yea yea, as tears go by. Blah blah blah. I'll see you later"
"Oh. See ya I guess"
He left sad dragging his binder behind him.
Ah, was i too harsh? Now i feel bad 🥺🥺. I'll just tell my parents that I'll be at the library with Ayla and just go to the movies with them. Good idea. Besides , their always working. I thought
The bell had rung. Oh no I forgot I have next class with Bill. I'll apologize and make him feel better. I'd hate to see him sadder than he already looked like.

After the lecture Mr Daniels gave us..
"Yes love? I mean Alayna"
"I can catch that movie with you tonight if you were still going"
His eyes lit up and he suddenly got excited.
"Really?! Great!"
He excitedly went over to his friends and told them as if it were like a secret.
I smiled, I loved to see him happy.

Next class.. 
"Guys, we'll be changing seating arrangements, this time itll be boy girl"
Everyone groaned except me.
"Alayna you sit next to William"
"It's Bill now , Mrs Hanley"
"Sorry, Bill. And next to James"
I sat in the middle of them both.
"Well hello again."
"Ey' love" Bill said

After a few minutes. She gave us a lecture on the new topic essay about antisemitism.
I was writing notes as fast as possible so I can get a good grade on the final assessment.
Bill handed me a little note.
It said thanks for coming tonight. I'd like to get to know you more than I already do. I've heard you like photography, writing, aesthetics and poetry? Like I do?

I wrote back saying those are all true. No problem,  I'm bored at home anyway. What kinda movie we gonna see tonight? Oh and btw, sure I'd love to tell you more about me! You seem like a chill person   I can be chill but aggressive depending on the situation. But sure!

He wrote back  I think it's a horrormovie. I dont know haha I wanted to see as you said you loved that type of movie. Can't wait til tonight
I wrote back and said me too ♡

He smiled at me.

After rehearsal at the movies.

We were half way into some random story telling story with pop ups.
"Bill. 🥺 I'm nervou-"
Pop up comes on with a scary sound effect.
I jumped and ended up cuddling next to Bill.
"Scared arent you?"
I nodded laughing.
He laughed putting both arms around me to  comfort me.
I snuggled on his chest.
His friends; Brian and Keith left to the bathroom.

After the movie.
"I had fun"
"So did I" he remarked

Brian and Keith popped out of a Bush. I screamed and fell crying cause I cry when I get really scared.
I stayed on the ground, as they were laughing their ass off.
Bill bended over as I opened up my teary eyes.
"You ok love"
I wiped my eyes.
"No your not, come here."
He hugged me tightly,  I honestly needed that.
I hugged Brian and Keith even though I was mad that they scared me haha.

I walked with Bill as a warm breeze blew by.
I talked to him for a while talking about myself.
I sat on a public bench with him staring st the sky.
"Love. Your interesting. I dont know why people must judge you and hate you for who you are. So what, who cares if your aggressive or weird. I personally love people who show and Express their emotions and the real person they are."
"People have always bullied me"
"And that's not ok"
"And it's ok for us to be arguing about what I dont need because itll never get changed"
I look at him straight in the eyes as I said that.
Tension raised.
I spoke one last time before I started crying.
"I love you Bill"
He looked at me in shock as tears flowed.
"I- I love you more Alayna"
I cried in his arms and shirt as he put his hands on my head.
He spoke and made me feel alot better about myself.
After I calmed down, I sat with him.
He took me home.
,"I love you Bill and thank you for understanding me."
I ran back to him in his arms hugging him

Bill's POV after taking me home
As I watched her go home in tears. Is this love? Is this what I intended to happen? I didnt wanna make her cry 🥺 now its gonna make me feel bad. Ah I'm an idiot. I'm in love. I can't believe it. I'm in love, I'm in love,  I'm in love. I will write her a 4 page  letter about why I love her and what she means to me. I must.
*swings on a pole*
I'm in love with the blue bird passing by. Da da da

My POV after I went inside
I cant believe it. I'm in love with the soft jock. He's lovable and I need a person 🥺💗 ah. I must talk to him tomorrow . Let's go to bed now.

Both of our POVs at the same time
"Love you."

Pt 2 coming

𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙖𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя