The man stopped speaking and began to stand behind her and the throne as we approached, hiding himself from view so I couldn't see his face. She stood slowly with care. Her delicate hands gripped the armrests of the throne as she stood. Suddenly, I realized why she clung to the armrests for balance.

She was being hollowed out from the inside.

She looked skinnier than before, more fragile still than the first time I had seen her. She looked impossibly young than her seventeen years. Her cheeks were sunken in, her wrists were bony and thin. A small part of my heart pained to see her like that and I knew where it came from.

Tianna pained to see her daughter being used by demons.

I felt my resolution take firm hold. Mal was being used horribly by demons to take over the Underworld. And somehow, if we could, we had to save her.

Her smile grew wider as we approached. Her eyes went to Asmo's hand as it held on to my wrist with an impossible grip.

"Asmodeus," she said, still smiling. "When you told me you would capture her and bring her to me, I didn't believe you. I thought you were lying again."

Asmo didn't say anything as he stood beside me. He only looked ahead at the girl, his face completely void of emotion.

"But you did as you promised." She looked behind us. "We are missing others. Where is Damien?"

My stomach churned as Mal mentioned Damien's name.

"They're searching for the secret corridors in the Keep now. It shouldn't take long to find him and the cat."

She raised her eyebrow. "And the ones freeing the guards?"

"The trap is still laid for them. Your men are still waiting."

My stomach dropped. Asmo had told her all of our plans. She knew everything.

Of course, he did.

"Good." She smiled again, seemingly more amused. "Let her go, Asmodeus. Our guest of honor shouldn't be held on to like a child."

Asmodeus's grip didn't loosen. "She will try--"

She tilted her head as she looked at me. "She will try," she interrupted him. "But she will learn the rules very quickly."

Asmo let me go and as soon as he did, I felt my power return in full.

Her eyes bore into mine. Her smile was gone. "Give me what's rightfully mine."

I didn't move. "No."

Her lip curled in anger. Lightning cracked overhead. The foundation of the room shook with its force.

"This was not part of our bargain, Mal."

Suddenly, the room stilled and the dark energy I felt before at once subsided. "You're right, Asmodeus. It's not."

A bargain?

"I promised that I would not harm your light fae." She smiled and inwardly, I blanched.

"I won't touch a hair on her light fae head."

Asmo stepped forward into my view between me and Mal. "None of your mercs will touch Emylin either. That was part of the bargain."

She nodded. "Of course. Neither myself nor my followers could." She lifted her hand and the man that had been behind her the entire time stepped forward. "But he's not a follower of mine."

I felt my stomach plummet to my feet. Damien, just as I had seen him earlier in the evening stood next to her. He smiled wickedly, showing his unusually sharp teeth. His gaze turned towards me. "Hello, queenie."

Well, this took too long to get through

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Well, this took too long to get through.

I hope that now that we're in quarantine or social distancing or whatever, I can actually start writing again and actually STAY ON SCHEDULE.

Please don't forget to check out the Underworld fanfiction entries! Those stories were written by amazing readers and fan of the series and I treasure and love each and every one of them.

Go to my profile and look for the "Fanfiction" section. The winners of the contests are grouped together with the rest of the Underworld series since they won!

Stay safe. Stay home. You all mean so much to me. If not for yourselves then for the people who depend on us to be responsible.

Queen of the Underworld | Book 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя