Bullies and Food

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I opened my locker and took a few books out. I didn't have many classes that were of any interest to me today. I shut my locker and sighed. I guess my life wasn't going to be as exciting as I thought with Kokichi living me me. It's just more stress.

My stomach growled. I guess Kokichi was right. I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. But I'm sure I'll be fine. I mean, not eating anything will make it so the bullies won't judge my weight. I'm not even over weight but loosing a few pounds won't do any harm.

"Hey Pooichi!" I turned around to see the school whore, Miu Iruma. I shut my locker. She pinned me against it. "Sup Virgin?" I stayed quiet, hoping she would leave me alone. But that would never be the case. In fact more people came from the hall ways.

"HEY DEGENERATE!" Tenko pushed miu out the way and punched me in the stomach. "How dare you!!!?" How dare I? What did I even do?! I held my stomach and groaned. "I was beginning to think you were a tolerant resin but the you went and lived with a degenerate like Kokichi Fucking Ouma!!"

"Wait Seriously? He's living with that little shit?! HA!" Miu began laughing. "You're just gonna fuck his small virgin ass!" That thought had never crossed my mind!!! Why the hell would I want to do that to him! I also highly doubt he's a virgin because of his posture and attitude anyway. Not like I study people's virginity or anything. Miu calmed down. "Now, Pooichi. You know the drill. It's either you give us your shit or you'll fuckin' regret it." Of course, me being the dumb ass I was, left my wallet at home. "Pooichi! Hurry the fuck up!" She slapped me in the face.

"I-I don't h-h-have it!" I stuttered. Tenko and Miu looked at each other then back at me. Tenko then ran off.

"Ok Pooichi. I'll keep ya Virgin Ass busy until Tenko gets here with Fuyuhiko and his toy. Got it?!" She smacked me in the face again, much harder this time. I hissed at the pain. "Can't Handle a little hit?! HA! Pathetic!"

After many hits, punches and kicks, Tenko finally arrived with Fuyuhiko and Peko. Peko carried her bambo sword on her back like always. "This shut didn't have any money?" Fuyuhiko glared at me. Miu hummed in agreement. "Ok. Peko. Do what we discussed."

Peko never usually did anything when it involved bullying without Fuyuhiko but life can never be as easy when he is here. "Yes, Young Master." She took the sword off her back and swung it at me. It hit me square in the stomach and I fell to the floor, groaning at the pain. When Peko hit, it hit like a truck. She was extremely strong and powerful with a sword. She was the ultimate Swords-woman after all. But because it was bamboo, it wouldn't have done as much damage as a golden katana.

She hit me again and again and again and again until blood was finally shooting out my mouth. My whole body felt weak. My stomach hurt like hell, not to mention that I hadn't eaten so the pain was worsened. And the horrible thing about this was, it was before school hours. So no one would be able to hear me, see me, help Me. The only ones who coukd really do anything are the ones in the dorms.

The ones in the dorms!!

Peko stood back and wiped her sword off with a cloth. Fuyuhiko crosses his arms and spat on me. "You better have double later, Emo." He walked off, followed by Miu, Tenko and Peko.

I stood up and lent against my locker. It hurt like hell. Like I had just been eaten by a bunch of Pirañas in a failed magic trick. I opened my locker and took some tissue out, wiping my mouth. I lifted my shirt to see bruising. Dark bruises that would only get worse and more painful as the day would go on. My hair was a mess so I brushed it.

"Hey Sidekick!" I put my shirt down and looked at the y'all purple haired boy. I shut my locker and picked up my books from the floor. I did notice the a puddle of pink. "Are you ok? You look pretty tired."

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