Chapter 27: The day has come

Start from the beginning

"You two seem to get along really well.", Jisung said teasingly to Renjun and Heejin.

"Well, what can I say, you brought a nice girl home.", Renjun said smugly.

That made Jisung and Chenle cringe, while Heejin giggled.

"Here, eat that, Heejinie", Jisung said and gave Heejin a snack.
"Come and sit down with us", he then said to Chenle, who was still standing in the middle of the room.

Chenle slowly moved to the other couch, where Jisung had sat down too.
His mind was a mess, he still wasn't used to hear the nickname 'Heejinie' but at the same time, he was happy that Jisung wanted him to sit down and eat with them.

Jisung also grabbed some snacks for Chenle, but before Chenle could take them out of his hands, he put them in front of Chenle's mouth.
"Say ah!".

Chenle only looked at him confused before slowly opening his mouth.

Jisung fed him the snack, letting Chenle's face burst into flames again.

"Thanks", he mumbled and looked down, which led to Jisung ruffle his hair.

"Cute as always", he whispered only for Chenle to hear.
Even though the other two in the room wouldn't have heard them anyways, again caught up in a conversation, laughing loudly.

"Do you see that?", Jisung asked.

"What?", Chenle whispered back.

"The heart eyes Renjun has right now."

"What? That's ridiculous", Chenle gasped.
But when he looked up, indeed, he found the heart eyes in Renjun's face.

This made him giggle and Jisung joined him.

"How old are you actually?", Renjun asked.

"I'm from January 2002", Heejin answered blushing.

"That means you are not even two years younger than me. Interesting."

"Oh my god", Chenle said under his breath. "Is he trying to flirt?" His eyes following Renjun's arm that stretched on the couch right next to where Heejin was sitting, while facing Renjun.

"I think so", Jisung whispered back, laughing.

They ate the snacks, Jisung telling Chenle which gossip spread around at school that day, while Renjun and Heejin made each other laugh.

One time Heejin also seemed lost in Renjun's eyes, when the older asked her a question and she answered only a minute later.

"Maybe we should continue with the project.", Jisung said after a while. "I want it to be done today."

He sat down on the floor to reach the coffee table, Heejin sitting down next to him.

Renjun seemed a little bit disappointed, not wanting to end this conversation yet.

Chenle looked at the duo, that was concentrating on their project.

They sit too close for Chenle's liking and sometimes when they pointed to a sentence in the book, their hands brushed.

Chenle didn't like this. At all. But still he didn't left.

He just took out his phone, playing some games while sulking.

After some time Heejin looked up and saw the look on Chenle's face.
She didn't know what was wrong, but she wanted to make the older feel better.

"Hi, Chenle", she said friendly.

Chenle looked up, surprised.

"Yes?", he shyly asked.

"You know what I always wanted to tell you? I really like your voice. So with that I mean your singing voice. She is really beautiful. I always get goosebumps, when you are singing something slow."

Chenle blushed. "Ehm- thank you?"

Jisung only looked at Heejin questioningly.
And Renjun also had an eyebrow raised.

"Oh my god", Heejin whined. "I only wanted to make him a compliment but you guys let me look weird", Heejin embarrassedly hid her face in Jisung's shoulder.

Chenle's mind again was a mess.
He was really thankful for the compliment but on the other side he didn't want to see Heejin being so cosy with Jisung.

"Thank you, really. But I should go to our room now.", Chenle said and left before anyone could say anything.

After some long minutes he heard the door opening and opened his eyes from his lying position on the bed.

"Hi, are you alright?", he heard Jisung's voice.

It was already evening and there was almost no light in the room, so Chenle put on his bedside lamp.

"Yes, I'm fine", Chenle said in a tired voice.

"Okay", Jisung nodded and sat down next to Chenle, who also had already sat up.

Jisung instinctively took Chenle's hand in his and started playing with his fingers.

"I don't like it, when you are down.", Jisung whispered.

"I'm fine", Chenle stressed. "Just tired. You should go back to Heejin. She is probably waiting for you."

"Rejun is with her, giving her company.", Jisung said and brushed over Chenle's thumb.

"Mhh", Chenle hummed.
"You two seem really close.", Chenle couldn't stop the words from escaping his mouth.

Jisung stopped playing with his fingers and looked him in the eyes, slightly becoming angry.

"Do you really think I wouldn't tell you, when I got feelings for someone?", Jisung asked outraged.

"I don't know.", Chenle sighed. "You two just get along really well. You seem happy, when you spend time with her."

"I am happy, when I spend time with her." Ouch! "But that doesn't mean I am in love with her. She is just a really good friend, I can talk to.
I mean, yes, she is a little bit touchy, but I don't mind. This is just the person she is. She is always clingy to her friends. When I sometimes walk past her in school, most of the times she is hugging one of her friends."

Chenle felt bad. He didn't want Jisung to be mad at him.
He just had to keep his feelings under better control.

"I'm sorry.", Chenle whispered, voice breaking.

"Don't be", Jisung shook his head.
When he saw that Chenle was close to tears, he immediately engulfed the older in a tight hug.

Chenle relaxed in his arms and let a deep breath out, which he didn't even know, was holding.

"But seriously go back to her. You have to finish the project", Chenle mumbled in Jisung's chest.

"Don't worry. The project is almost done. You are more important right now. I don't know what is wrong with you right now, and you don't have to tell me but I want to be there for you. So just let me hold you."

They laid down, Chenle still in Jisung's arms, cuddling.

They didn't talk, didn't need to. Their actions were enough to tell them that they would always be there for each other.

Jisung waited till Chenle was asleep in his arms.
And after some minutes he heard the older quietly snoring.

After some more minutes he went back to the living room, but before that something else happened.

Jisung was so concentrated on playing with Chenle's hair that he didn't even realize, when a little girl quietly opened the door, looked inside, smiled to herself and closed the door again, not wanting to interrupt the moment for the boys.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Where stories live. Discover now