Part Sixteen - Logan

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Remus laughed once again, getting a good look at all of us. "It's been sometime since our last reunion, hasn't it?" He questioned, looking over me. "Oh Logan. The brave, the wise, the absolutely ignorant. When will you learn your blind eye will be your downfall?" I struck him an odd glare, making his greasy smile grow.

"And Roman, my how we've grown apart. Unloved brothers from the genesis, you and I. And yet, here we are. Funny how that is, isn't it? Too bad only one of them will come out on top!" He laughed. Roman gripped his sword tighter, ready to slice his brother in half.

"Last but not least, the Care Bear of the group: Patton. The one who's kindness got in the way of his ability to remember that the Dark Sides are not his friends!" Remus growled, smile fading from his lips. He brandished the mace over his head, ready to pound Patton to the ground. Thankfully, Roman pushed him out of the way, using his sword as a shield.

Roman seemed to be losing as his feet slid back. Sweat dripped down his brow, while Remus just smiled, understanding he was winning. Without warning, the crazy side swung his leg out, bringing Roman to the ground. Before he could hurt Roman, I took a spell from my magic book. I sent out a dark blue blast, sending Remus flying into the wall.

Patton ran to my arms, to shaken to fight. Roman joined us, finding his feet again. As Remus came off the wall, he extended his neck, letting it pop and crackle in so many ways. "Done with our warm up, are we?" He asked, smiling wickedly once more. He suddenly shrieked, making us all close our ears. I could still hear it; as if it was penetrating into my skull.

I faintly heard Patton let out a violent scream. I looked his way, seeing Remus push him down the stairs. As Patton rolled down, Roman tried to take his sword to Remus' stomach. His brother proved to quick. He brought his mace to the side of his head, knocking his head into the wall. I jumped backwards, watching Roman's body hit the floor.

When his head turned to me, I almost threw up out of fear. He took my wrists, pinning them to the wall behind me. He chuckled in my face, watching my features contort under him. "I'd hate to hurt your pretty face." He purred, bringing his body closer to mine. I could suddenly feel the bugle in his pants rub against my crotch.

My face when tomato red. I thrashed against him, finding myself to weak to get away with him. To stop me, he jammed his knee in between my legs. I gagged, buckling my knees. He smiled, holding me up. I looked up at him, my eyes half open. I felt so sick to my stomach.

Two hands grabbed Remus' shoulders, pulling him back and off of me. I collapsed to the ground, immediately getting pulled into Patton's lap. He waved his hand in front of my face, trying to keep me present. Remus hit the wall with his back, launching himself off of it and straight over to us.

I lifted my hand, sending another blast in Remus' direction. It hit him, bring him to his knees while he clutched his chest. "Are you okay?" Patton finally asked me. I nodded, feeling sick all over again. Patton crawled over to Roman, shaking his chest. "C'mon, Roman. We need you!" He begged, getting more and more frantic as Remus started to get back up.

Roman stirred just enough that Patton and I were able to hold up his chest while Roman's feet ran weakly along with us. We rushed into my room. I sealed the door with a spell, hoping it was strong enough to keep Remus out. For now.

Patton struggled to get Roman onto my bed. But once he did, Roman sat up, rubbing his head where a dried patch of blood still remained. "Are you okay, Roman?" Patton blurted while I gathered my first aid kit.

"I think the better question is: are you okay, Patton?" I interrupted, starting to apply a cream to Roman's head.

"Yeah, didn't you fall down the stairs?" Roman slurred. Patton didn't say anything. He just looked down while lifting up his arms to show bruises and rug burns from his fall.

"I'm okay. Just a little scratch." He assured us. Even if I didn't believe him, I didn't have a lot of time. My door started cracking under the pressure of Remus' fist. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I put up a shield, hoping it would protect when Remus inevitably rammed through my door.

"Roman, can you not just create a portal to Deceit's place?" I asked, sweating like a pig.

"It's too dangerous. I, if not, all of us could get corrupted in the process." He said. We all quickly tried to come up with an idea. But we were too late.

The door fell to the ground with a smack. There stood Remus, smile wide and eyes glazed over with crazy energy. He took his mace to my shield, trying his best to break it. It was taking a lot of energy from me to keep it up, but then Patton clapped his hands, "I have an idea."

Without warning, Patton snatched Roman's sword from the holster. He popped my shield with its sharp point, making me fall into Roman with surprise. Patton slashed at my ceiling fan, watching him cut the wires loose and then crash onto Remus' head.

It didn't knock him out, but it disoriented him enough for us to sprint by. We ran into the imagination's door. It immediately whirled to life, showing Roman's kingdom off in the distance. We all took a collective breath, panting beyond belief.

"Quick thinking, Patton." Roman congratulated. He smiled joyfully, giving him back his sword. Just as our guards shrunk down, again they rose.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

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