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Josie P.O.V:

As mum asked if my brothers were awake, I heard them walking down the hall. Like me, they weren't good with mornings either. Since I like to mess around with them I decided that I was going to give them, and lowkey myself, another wakeup call. I slowly tiptoed to the hallway door and waited till they were just behind the door. As they opened the door, I jumped out and yelled "HA" right in their faces and I could have sworn they both jumped higher than me.

It was so funny, I nearly dropped to the ground laughing. I clutched my stomach and tried to calm my breathing down. The boys just stood there and I could see the anger in their eyes rising. My eyes widened and I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I could, screaming my lungs out. They knew my weakness and that scared me.

Mum had now moved onto cooking breakfast, completely oblivious to the insane turn of events. I don't blame her. This is pretty regular.

I was a pretty fast runner. I mean I hadn't gone to state for nothing but Caleb was faster and Ben was just smarter. He knew every little part of our house and knew every little hiding spot. There was no point running anymore so I stopped and turned around. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the nightmare ahead of me. The boys stopped right in front of me. Ben said in his best intimidating voice, "We won't hurt you. Well, at least not yet." Caleb had the biggest smirk plastered all over his face. I could tell he was thinking of a way to get me back.

We stood there for the next few minutes then mum yelled, "Kids, breakfast is ready!" The hungry children we were, we ran to the kitchen. It smelt so good. She had made pancakes! "Since it is the first day of school, I wanted to cook and not make you fend for yourselves." Mum said but I knew that she wasn't going to do this tomorrow. We all said thanks and sat down at the table ready to eat.

I had just taken a bite of my pancake when Caleb opened his gigantic mouth. "So, will I have to do any chasing of boys this year?" He asked with a mischievous smile. I nearly choked on my food at his sudden outburst. "I hope not. I mean who haven't you scared away yet?" I replied. "Oh, I don't know, most of the popular kids." Wow, that hurt. "Ok, that's enough you two." Mum intervened. "Now, Caleb, can I trust you to drive your brother and sister to school?"

Caleb had just gotten his first car and his licence so mum didn't completely trust him.

"Mum, you can trust me. I am not going to kill my siblings!" Caleb defended. The rest of breakfast was spent in silence. That was until Ben decided he wanted to say something. "Mum?" "Yeah Ben?" Mum replied. "Are you going to go on a date this year?" Ben asked. "What makes you ask that?" She said looking slightly agitated. "Well, I know it's hard considering dad died 3 years ago" He said cautiously. "But you've got to put yourself out there again." He is only 10 but his mouth does not have any type filter.

With that said, everyone took their plate to the sink and went to brush their teeth. I did another check on how I looked, it was okay. Then grabbed my lunch, bag and shoes, said bye to mum and was out the door literally running to the car. I had to get there first if I wanted to get front seat.

I waited for the boys inside the car. Once they had gotten in and Caleb had checked everything, we were on our way to school. It wasn't that far from our house to school, but in the heat, you don't want to be walking. After about 10 minutes we had arrived at our destination. Finally I did not have to listen to anymore of  Caleb's surprise genre pick of the day, which was rap today. I got out of the car and slowly took steps up to the school gate.

Glad to be back. (Note the sarcasm)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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