october 13, 6:23 am

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i saw it again, the crow. i was at home when it happened, in early morning.

i was awake early because the room was cold, the electricity went out, and so the heating followed, i looked out into the street.

on a branch was a black crow. ive been seeing this bird quite often.

something about this one is diffrent from the other crows i rarely see.

i feel as if its watching me sometimes, or keeping track of where i am.

id better get ready for the day, need to find a job. its been a week since i was laid off.

OCTOBER 16, 5:34 PM

no luck, and yet that bird is near, i havnt seen it, but i know its near.

i cought a glimpse of a shadow on a near brick wall as i was passing "MC.FARREN trade shop".

i couldnt tell what made it, most likely some kid with a flashlight.

i went in the shop anyway. Doreen had put some new items in the shop, it was a quaint pawnshop, but there was always something usefull if you needed it.

i traded in a piece of my artwork for the third time this week.

they always found someone who liked the art.

the drawing was of the old shoe factory just a mile east from here.

bought a black book that looked rather normal, but feels unusually cold.

thought it might be usefull since this ones almost full.

october 20, 12pm

last page in this book. funny to think ive wrote in this every day, i dont know why.

and if any one were to read it, they might find it decent reading.

ive been working on a poem.

its not very good.

october 24, 6:32been raining the last few days. i sat outside the pizzaplacejust a few buildings down.

the rain was cold.

its always cold.

i didnt care.

someone came up from behind me and placed their hands on my shoulders, it was a womans hands.

i felt even colder, as if hell had frozen over.

her breath was colder, she told me to stay put, there was no need to look.

i asked who she was with shivering breath.

she told me, in time id know.

one hand came off my shoulder. and came infront of my face holding what looked like a tarot box.

i was aware of her chest pressing against me, but i was more intrigued at the box for it had a mysticality of intricate carvings.

she told me to take it.

i did, and when i felt h er hand leave my shoulder, i turned around. no one was there. and yet i was holding the box.

i most certainly knew it couldnt be any of the people in the pizza shop, as her skin was pale as the moon on a clear night, and her sleeve was a heavy black robe type, somehow dry. as if the rain hadnt soaked it.

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