Liar Liar

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"What's wrong baby you been quiet all night?" Lauren rubbed my head while I cuddled her, stuffing my face in her titties. "You mad cuz Asia getting all my attention?" She teased.

I forced a chuckle "Nah baby, just thinking."

"About? Come on now you know how I am, talk to me."

I reached in my pocket. I'm sure she was wondering what the hell I was doing. I clicked on the picture and held it up to her. She took the phone, staring at it. I waited for her to say something.

"Wow...A boy..."

That's all she going to say?


She held the picture closer to her face.
"Awww....he's gonna to be cute look, this is his lips, or where they will be. This is his nose, look at his cheek bones."

I stared intensely. I couldn't figure out what the fuck she was talkin about.


"Wassup babe."

"How do you feel, you know about the baby? I never asked you. You didn't agree to this."

"Jordan you know I've always wanted children."

"I know but this was supposed to be ours, had I known I would have met you again, I would have never even got with Laila let alone go through this process together.... Part of me wants to tell her to end it now and start over with you... I mean if I were you I don't know if Id stay."

She pulled my face up to her. "Jordan I love you, but sometimes you assume way too much."

Yeah well you still didn't answer the question.

"I have to assume, I'm scared man, like for real, this my life."

"And this is MY life. I know what I'm doing. Trust me." She kissed my forehead

"Aight ma"

She played in my hair till we fell asleep.


I woke up to a empty ass house. I checked the time. 10 am. I scrolled out of bed and went in the bathroom to pee. I texted Lauren.

Me: Baby wya

I finished peeing and grabbed my laptop to check my emails for today. Tryna see if Rich filed that paperwork. I don't want to say nothing now but, I got some plans coming up if everything goes well.

I sat on the couch, damn she still ain't text back yet. Just then the front door opened. Lauren came in with a big ass bag from IHOP. Asia came in behind her holding our drinks.

"Hey sleepy head, sorry I was literally pulling up when you texted me." She put the food down and sat on my lap. Asia rolled her eyes at me.

"What you wanna sit on my lap too? Don't frown up now, you used to beg and cry all day until I picked you up."

"Yea I seriously doubt that." She pulled out her phone taking pictures of her plate. This girl plays no games.

We finished eating and took our showers before I we got back in the car to take Asia home. She can talk all that shit if she want but, I could tell she wasn't ready to leave yet. She hopped out the truck and I pulled off before Ma could come outside talking shit. Yes I've been avoiding her ever since she found out about Laila being pregnant. I swear it seems like as soon as a baby is mentioned grandparents lose all logic. Its easy to give your opinion when you don't have to deal with the consequences. I dropped Lauren off at home. "I love you beautiful"

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