12. Straight into the Dark

Start from the beginning

"Why, thank you." Inclining her head, Amy took the sandwich and began to nibble on it in delicate, ladylike little bites—in spite of which she managed to gobble it up within seconds. Then she gazed up at him, her head cocked in a manner fools might have taken for adorable. Lord Patrick, though, knew it for what it was: a challenge. "So...shall we proceed?"

"By all means." His face turning grim, Patrick glanced towards the door. "Can we go for a walk? I need some fresh air after what I...after yesterday."

Mrs Morris's ears perked up, and eyes gleamed. "Yesterday? What 'appened yesterday?"

Lord Patrick opened his mouth, and—

Amy beamed at her. "We went for a lovely little coach ride together."

Lord Patrick closed his mouth again.

That dratted female...! The way she'd said that... Why the heck did she make it sound as if the two of them...and why did he suddenly have the desire to say "hell" instead of "heck"?

"Aww..." Mrs Morris clutched her hands together. "Did ye 'ear dat, Mr Griffiths?"

"I did indeed, Mrs. Morris."

Yes, and I bet by the end of the day the rest of London will have heard about it, too!

Eyes burning with blue fire, His Lordship stared at the young woman. The dratted female had just turned his peaceful bachelor existence into a chaotic mess! And the worst thing was: he couldn't even be angry with her! All he could think of when gazing at her was that look in her fathomless green eyes as she told him:

"Because I live here."

Amy heaved a sigh, as she gazed longingly up at him—then gave a wicked wink. "And what a lovely coach ride it was..."

Instinctively, his hands rose to wring her darn neck. He was going to strangle her! Strangle her, and then—

"Because I live here."

His hands lowered again.

Taking a deep breath, he bowed, and extended an arm towards Amy. One without a clenched fist or a dagger at the end. "Please, Miss, will you do me the honour of accompanying me? I can hardly wait to get you out of the hou—ehem, to take a walk with you, I mean."

"How sweet." Amy smiled, picked up another butter and honey sandwich, and took a bite as she gazed up at him. Patrick felt a sudden urge to reach out and...


Strangle her?

Take hold of her?

Before he could make up his mind to act on that last mad thought, she made up hers.

"Then let's go, shall we?" Rising, she put aside the sandwich and linked her arm with his.

Yes, please! Please let's go! Let's get out of here, before Mrs Morris decides to send an express telegram to my mother!

Grabbing her by the arm, Patrick started dragging Amy towards the door. Ungentlemanly behaviour? Right then and there, he didn't give a flying fig!


"My, my, ye're eager!" Amy glanced up at him, eyes sparkling, as Patrick dragged her out the door and down the street. Hell...baiting Prince Pervert was an even more fun game to play than baiting the bodyguard.

"One more word...!" The man beside her squeezed out between his teeth. Beneath his elegant aristocratic exterior, he was an Earl Grey tea kettle, ready to explode! "One more word, and I shall show you how effective your lessons in despicable lowlife behaviour have been!"

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