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Getting caught up in the moment with Calum and falling asleep during another random Netflix movie, caused the fact that Ashton was still stuck back at my house to completely slip my mind.

I didn't want to leave the comfort of Calum's arms but it was getting late, and I did need to get the car back to Ash.

He had promised me that he would be in school on Monday to bother me in art class and I never thought I would ever say it, but I was really looking forward to school.

Ash wasn't too upset once I got back home, considering my mom had spoiled him and Harry to a giant spaghetti dinner.

Before he left, I thanked him again with a tight hug for letting me borrow the car for the day. He wanted to know exactly what happened once I made it to Cal's, and I told him the majority, only leaving out a few minor and.. steamy details.

It was Sunday night and my mom, Tate and I sat around the dinner table talking about how much we enjoyed our winter break, and it seemed as though I was the only one excited for it to end.

"So, how is Ashton doing?"

I glance up at my mom after taking a bite of my mashed potatoes, and raised an eyebrow.

"He's fine." I say after swallowing. "Why do you ask?"

"Is something going on with you two?"

"Mom, I'm with Calum remember?"

"Yeah, but when I was your age I was doing almost everyone-"

"Mom!" I groaned loudly, letting my fork clatter against my plate before covering my face with my hands.

Tate's giggles filled the room and I was growing more uncomfortable with each passing second.

"All I'm saying is, you're young and it's not a crime to play around a bit."

"You know what they call girls that do that, Mom? Sluts."

"That word is hardly as offensive as people make it seem."

"Mom, I like Calum. I'm dating Calum. He's the only one I'll be playing around with."

"So you are playing around!"


Tate's laughter intensified as I felt my face burn with embarrassment.

Why does she insist on doing this to me?

"Just make sure you use protection." She says simply, cutting off a piece of her chicken.

"Yes, mother." I mutter while standing from the table and picking up my plate.

"And don't fall for that 'allergic to latex' crap because it's not true!" She calls after me as I hurry into the kitchen.

I wasn't done with my dinner but I couldn't stand to deal with that conversation any longer. It's awkward enough that she'd brought it up in the first place, but Tate being there made it even worse, and I could still hear his laughter from the other room.

I took a few quick bites of my potatoes before clearing my plate and heading upstairs to my bedroom just in time to answer my ringing phone.

I smiled at the dorky picture of Calum with his tongue sticking out that I'd set as his contact photo as it lit up my screen.


"Well, hello there, gorgeous."

I smiled and plopped down on the edge of my bed as I held the phone against my ear.

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