You let out a sigh as you went to knock on the door "Mrs.Hudson! Someone at the door!" "Im not your maid Sherlock!" "Just get the door! Im thinking!"
Sherlock, my wall!" You looked around confused and worried for the dear woman inside, and just when you were about to leave the door swung open to an older woman, she had a floral dress on, and the scent of Earl Grey followed her around "Are you here to see Sherlock?" "Why yes i am." "Such a lucky fellow to have meet a nice girl to keep him company, a pretty one too."
Your face went red, "I-i-i've nev-" "Dont worry dear, im sure John will understand." You watched as she walked off to her room "I won't bother you two." You walked up the stairs, thirteen to be exact, you just memorized every creak in each step, just in case.
You lightly tapped on the door frame, listening to the beautiful music being composed, the violin of course being the instrument being used, and the composer of course was Mr.Holmes, well you'll call him Sherlock.
"Sherlock? Sherlock Holmes?" "Yes, take a seat in the chair." You did so of course, but the room was off, though there was a strong scent of cologne, there was also the scent of, human remains?
"So, please ms..." "(L/n)." "So ms. (L/n) tell me about your case."An idea popped into your head, you'd use the acting that Mycroft taught you. "Oh Mr.Holmes it's terrible, my fiancé, he went out to see his younger brother who's pretty famous, and he never came back, I've never even spoken to his younger brother before but it seems as if he doesn't care, as if he's a sociopath or something, Mr.Holmes please find my fiancé."
Tears were threatening to spill out of your eyes, you were too good for your own good. "Hmm, ms.(l/n) what is your fiancé's name." "Mycroft, sir." Sherlock stopped in his tracks and glared at you, a huge grin plastered on your face "oh Mr.Holmes, can we play deductions? It'll help me get my mind off my fiancé." He still glared at you "who are you and why are you here, your defiantly not a middle class citizen, not an office worker and you defiantly don't work for or with my brother."
"good, I'm glad you got my hints, it took you forever to though, your slower than your brother." Sherlock glared at you, looking you up and down then shook his head frustrated that he couldn't get more than the hints you were giving off. "Still not there are we?" "Ms.Hudson come here please!"
A few moments later you heard footsteps walking up the stairs, the first creak on the third step, the second on the eighth, and the third on the eleventh step. Sherlock looked at ms.Hudson, obviously reading her like a book, but still nothing from you, "please make us tea." "Im not your housekeeper Sherlock." You stood up, smiling at ms.Hudson, "don't worry madam, ill make the tea."
"Sherlock im so proud of you, you found yourself such a nice,pretty, good mannered girlfriend." "Fiancé madam." You showed a ringed finger around the corner, of course you weren't actually engaged, it was a ring your mum, gave you. "Oh Sherlock! Im going to call John over straight away!" You listened as ms.hudson ran down the stairs.
"Who are you?!" This time Sherlock gave a more aggressive tone to his voice, so you casually walked to Sherlock, gingerly fixing his blazer.-with Ms.Hudson-
"Pick up John." "John Watson here." "John i need you at the flat quickly." "I was just heading over, im just around the corner what's going on ms.Hudson, is something wrong?" " No, No, its Sherlock John, It's Sherlock." "Ill be there in just a second." *knock* *knock* -hang up-
You smiled at him as you fixed his too tight shirt and finally whispered to him as you heard the door open, "do keep this secret but im the Queen's daughter." You laughed a little and then kissed him "hey Sherlock ms.hudson's excited abou-" John's eyes widened at the scene, the very essence of his being at the moment screamed 'What the hell'.

Sherlock x reader The Consulting "queen" Detective
FanfictionPut simply its a love story of the Daughter of The Queen and the Famous Consulting Detective, but has Sherlock finally found someone who can beat him at deductions?