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"I swear if your phone rings one more time..." my mom makes a face.

I have fifteen missed calls from Luna, and twelve from Dahlia. I'm pretty good at giving the silence treatment.

"You know you're not going to ignore them forever, right?"

"Watch me, mom."

"Alright! Let's get on with the baking," my dad walks in.

Every Saturday at exactly 5 PM, my family and I bake whatever we feel we're craving. It's usually pies, cinnamon buns and cookies. This is also another way my parents trap me in the kitchen, gently prodding out the details of my life I never intend to share.

My mom takes out all the baking equipments, and my dad gets the ingredients ready. As I'm trying to put my apron on, the door bell rings. Please don't be Luna and Dahlia.

It's Luna and Dahlia.

"What do you two want?" I frown, standing by the door and only slightly opening it.

"Can we please mature people," Dahlia starts.

"Yeah," Luna looks at me with puppy eyes.

As much as I want to shut the door in their face, I let them come in.

"Hey Mr and Mrs Yung," they wave. At the same damn time.

My parents greet them back, then we head up to my room.

"Well you guys sure interrupted my baking session," I tease.

"Sorry," Dahlia says. She steps closer, "and not only for interrupting but also for not telling you the party was Corey's."

she looks at me waiting for a reply but I say nothing. "I knew if I told you then you wouldn't come...and I really wanted you to come."

I nod, then I look at Luna. She swallows. She obviously knows what Corey's house looks like since they dated. But she still didn't tell me.

"I also just really wanted you to come, Penelope."

I sign, "fine guys, I get it."

My mom was right, I can't ignore them forever. "Next time just tell me the truth, please."

They both nod.

"Just one more thing," Luna says with a disappointing look on her face.

"What is it?"

"Corey and I fucked at the party." What the hell.

"I was very drunk," she quickly adds.

"Oh I see."

"Are you mad?" I feel a little bit betrayed.

"Nope! You two doing the nasty has absolutely nothing to do with me," I fake a smile.

I quickly hug my friends, then they leave. I hate to admit it but the heavy feeling on my chest is completely gone. I hate drama.

I walk into the kitchen finding it in chaos. Flour plumes, eggy drips, batter splatters, mixing bowls in the sink, chocolate chips on the floor.

"What kind of parents are you? having the audacity to start without me!?" I startle them. They stare at me impassively. I bust into laughter and they join in.


"So does smashing Luna mean you two are somewhat back together?" I ask Corey. I still can't believe Luna would open her legs for him; she made it pretty clear they were done.

"I mean...the girl was drunk and so was I. Plus we haven't talked since the party last night," he shrugs. "I don't know man, I don't think I want her back anymore."

"Oh, so is it the sex you missed from her? And now that you two did it suddenly, you want nothing to do with her."

"Exactly dude. You know me so well," he pats me on the back. "But let's talk about you and Kimberly at the party. You two were basically swallowing each other."

"She was just a distraction. No that serious," I say

"A distraction from what?"

I clear my throat, "nothing."

"You're weird dude."

My mom calls us down for dinner. Tonight she made baked sweet potatoes, baked beans and Caesar salad.

"This is really good Mrs Alvarez," Corey tells my mom with a mouth full; treating us to a view of partially masticated food.

"Thank you, Corey," she smiles. "By the way, Eli."


"A friend of mine from work just got promoted so I invited her and her family for dinner tomorrow, just to celebrate."

"But Madison comes back from College tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I know and I already told her. It will also be nice to have a little company over."

Yeah and I hate having visitors over cause I'm expected to act a certain way and forced to have inconsequential small talks.

"Fine," I sign, "Can't wait."


My sister hugs me so tight, I barely have room to breathe. And she knows very well how much I hate hugs.

"I missed you, big head," Madison chuckles.

"I missed you too," I manage to pull away since I'm so much taller than her now.  "Wow look at that. Did you shrink?"

"Oh shut up, at least I have a lower chance of developing back problems."

"God forbid. I'll never develop back problems."

"We'll see!" She smacks my ass. What's with girls smacking guy's butts.

"Will you two stop with the chatting and help me set up the table. They're almost here," my mom interrupts.

After setting up the dining table and Madison going crazy with decorations, the door bell rings. They're here.

"Not it!" Madison places a finger on the tip of her nose.

"Not it!"

we stare at my mom.

"Don't play with me, Eli get the door."



"Okok,"  I glare at Madison noticing she's trying so hard not to laugh her ass off.

I quickly open the door and I'm right away astounded.

Are you shitting me.

It's Penelope and her family.


Oops! Who knew Eli's Mom and Penelope's mom were friends👀

What did you guys think of this chapter?? 😌💘

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