Ashs POV:

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The restaurant was beautiful. I wonder how much money Taylor has. I mean his house is gigantic, the food is going to be well over $100. He did say he was an ex-band member.
"So you said you were in a band?" I asked. He took a bite of his food and cleared his throat. "Yeah. I was the singer from Slipknot. I have another band too, Stone Sour but everybody is on a break."
"Slipknot was splitting up, a member died a while ago and it's just too stressful." I could see something in his eyes. He seemed distant. I put my hand over his and stared at him.
"I can see it, Taylor. I can see your pain. I'm sorry." I whispered. He smiled and asked if I wanted desert. I declined, just wanting to walk around with him. He paid for the check and we left.
The city was beautiful at night. There were lights going far into the night sky. He held my hand in his and led me around. We walked along the pier and went into a few stores. Taylor kept offering to buy me clothes but I just felt so bad.
"I feel bad Taylor. You're doing so much for me and we only met yesterday." Taylor looked at me and shook his head.
"Ash tonight is your first night of freedom. Take advantage of this. Get anything you want. I want you happy."
He was so persuasive; I hated it. But we continued to go in and out of stores. I let him buy me a few outfits but I wasn't letting him buy me anything more. By the time we got to the end of the pier it was pretty late. We were sitting on a bench looking at the water. It was so beautiful. The lights of the city buildings highlighted and reflected off the water. Every once in awhile a boat would pass with happy passengers on it. I turned to look at Taylor, which he was already looking at me.
"Have you been staring at me this entire time?" I asked, smiling a little. He nodded his head without breaking eye contact.

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