Chapter One

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Harry sighs and rolls over in his black silky sheets as he hears his phone start to ring. "Fuck sakes." He mutters to himself before he picks up his phone from the bedside cabinet. His heart drops when he sees the caller ID on his phone. He even contemplates not answering due to the sickly feeling now forming in the pit of his stomach.

"Hello?" Harry asks after accepting the phone call. A raspy, sad, and clearly drunk voice responds on the other end " hi Hazza." Harry's eyes well up at the nickname he used to be so fond of. "What are you doing calling me at this time Lou, it's 1:32am for Christ's sake." Harry exclaims, his nerves getting the better of him. "I missed your voice." Louis replies, Harry can feel all the emotion in Louis' voice, it takes all his strength not to begin sobbing right there. Harry slowly drags his face through the palm of his hand in confusion. "Why are you telling me this now?" Harry asks, almost angrily. "I've wanted to tell you for a long time," Louis replies " I just didn't know how, so when I was out having a few drinks with the lads and you got brought up I figured instead of crying myself to sleep and feeling sorry for myself I could talk to you." Harry didn't know what he was thinking, or why he said what he said next, but he had missed this beautiful boy so much and didn't want to pass up the opportunity. "Well I mean, if you wanted to, you could um, come over and we could chat?" Harry offered "only if that's what you want?" Louis asked. Harry then hung up on Louis as he had no idea what to say. He did type a text out to Louis though.

When you get here ring the buzzer and I'll let you in, see you soon. H :)

Harry swung his legs over the tall oak bed frame and hung his head in his hands. What the fuck did I just get myself into? He asked himself. Louis broke my heart in two, and I invite him over to my house, I sure am an idiot! Harry thinks to himself before standing from the bed. He walked over to his walk in wardrobe deciding he needed something to wear considering he does sleep naked. He pulled open the first set of drawers in his wardrobe that consisted of comfy clothes he just wore around home, he pulled out a pair of grey sweats before pulling them onto his long and muscular legs. He then padded into his bathroom were he began to brush his teeth, after spraying a bit of cologne on himself. He caught sight of his reflection in the mirror and rolled his eyes at himself. Why do I care so much about smelling good for the man that broke me so badly. Harry sighed out loud at the memory that sadly coaxed his way into his thoughts.

Just as Harry was about to leave his bathroom he smirked as he remembered how himself wearing grey sweats used to make Louis feel, especially when he had no jocks on underneath. But Harry didn't invite Louis over tonight to have a one night stand with him, Harry wanted to work things through. Just as Harry was about to pull them off a buzzer went off from the front of his house. Harry just about jumped out of his skin from the shock of how fast Louis got here. He quickly raced around his room trying to find a half decent shirt to throw on before the buzzer was pushed again. Giving up, Harry walked out of his room and to the front door clad in only grey sweats.

Peeping at the screen that was situated next to Harry's front door, he could see Louis sitting in his car. From what Harry could see, he was wearing an emerald green Gucci sweat suit with an adidas cap on his head. Probably to hide from anyone else driving late at night. Harry pushed the button that allowed Louis to drive up the gate and park his car. Harry unlocked the front door and sat down on his plush couch, trying to hold himself together.

Shortly after, a few quick raps on the door sounded in Harry's ears. "It's open." He yelled, hoping Louis couldn't read the nerves in his voice. Harry kept his eyes trained at his feet, to scared to look up as he knew looking at Louis would make the whole situation real. "Hey Haz." The soft voice spoke up right behind Harry. Harry spun around so quickly "hi Lou." He said taking in all that was standing in front of him, a beautiful tan man with soft fluffy brown hair swept across his forehead. His blue eyes sparkling in the dim light from the lamp in the other corner of the lounge, his thin lips turned up in a smile. Harry took in his body next, although he was wearing a sweat suit Harry could still make out the mans perfect curves, he quickly looked away before he was caught staring. "Cup of tea then?" Harry asked looking back up at Louis again, Louis nodded his head in response. Harry then stood up and made his way to the kitchen, Louis following him closely. "Would you have a cigarette?" Harry asked Louis as he got out two mugs and boiled the jug. "You don't smoke." Is all Louis said in response "I think you'd find that quite a few things have changed in the time we've been apart." Harry replies, finally looking Louis in the eyes. Louis dropped his head in what Harry assumed was guilt. "Yeah I do, I'll be waiting out on the balcony." Louis replied, with that he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. Louis found his way to the balcony with no problem, he did know this house like the back of his hand considering he had lived here for a few years in the past.

Harry made his way out onto his balcony, handing one of the mugs to Louis. He took the seat opposite to Louis, and he reached over pinching a cigarette from Louis' pack, lighting it up and taking a silent drag. "I'm sorry." Louis silently said, looking out over the balcony, tears glistening in his eyes. Harry couldn't hold his tears back at those words, single tears slowing falling over his waterline. "Why now?" Harry asked, "why call me now, after what, five years?" Harry continued. "I've missed you since the second I fucked things up Harry, I just assumed you wouldn't want to hear from me!" Louis exclaimed. "Well I did." Harry fired back, continuing to puff on his cigarette, silent tears still flowing down his cheeks. "Harry I love you." Louis piped up "and I never stopped loving you. I know I fucked up, but I want to try again I want this to work!" Louis exclaims, sitting forward and leaning on his knees to look Harry in the eyes. "I missed you so much Harry, I know I fucked up bad but please let me have another chance!" Louis pleads. "I missed you so much boo bear." Harry says, now choking on his sobs. Louis moves to sit next to Harry, and gently starts to thumb away the tears falling from Harry's beautiful green eyes. "I think I want to give you another chance, I just don't know if I can trust you." Harry explains to Louis, "I understand that." Louis says. Louis leans his face ever so closely to Harry's and stares intently at his lips, this doesn't go unnoticed by Harry. The younger boy begins to feel butterflies erupt at the pit of his stomach. "I can't keep my eyes off of you Harry." Louis whispers seductively, " and god damn those sweats aren't helping." He finishes, looking down at Harry's lap before slowly trailing his eyes back up to Harry's lips. Without warning Harry attacks his lips onto Louis', feeling the familiar and missed taste of Louis' lips on his. A deep groan erupts from Harry's mouth as Louis sits himself on Harry's lap, grinding down on him. Harry lifts him up, Louis' legs quickly snaking around his waist as they head for the bedroom.

Authors note
Hey guys this is the first fanfic that I've written that I've decided to post so please be nice!! I would really appreciate constructive criticism though so if you guys have any feedback or ideas for this story that would be really helpful!!

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